Editor’s Note: The Kyiv Post held its semiannual Employment Fair on April 6, 2019 at the Toronto-Kyiv Business Center. The fair is a traditional event that brings together commercial companies, international organisations, public bodies, and non-governmental organisations as well as job seekers. The Kyiv Post talked to the attendees of the fair and asked them why they decided to come.

Oleg Petukhov

Marketing and PR specialist, job hunter

“I am looking for vacancies in marketing, advertisement, and public relations. I have already had some meetings, saw some interesting vacancies, and talked to employers. Of course I brought my CV along and read some information on Facebook (about the event). The companies are reacting positively as they have been waiting for attendees, professionals. Live communication is better than internet communication or telephone calls.”

Anhelina Martynenko

Job hunter

“I used to work and now I am searching for new opportunities and a new job. I came to learn about the requirements for the candidates, the possibilities, and to find a good option for myself.  The most important thing for me was to have live communication. I wanted to see the general picture. As a psychologist by education, I wish there were other employers too beyond those offering jobs in finance and IT.”

Serhiy Shamota

Job hunter

“I came here because I am looking for a job as an internal auditor and internal controller, compliance officer. I look at many industries as one should always broaden their search horizons. I have two university diplomas — in economics and in law. I have already walked around the fair a bit and I have found some possibilities, although they are limited. But I still want to go and talk to several companies. My interest was to talk to recruiting companies and to such international organizations as the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, United Nations Development Programme and UNICEF. Plus the National Bank of Ukraine offers jobs in my line of professional interest.”

Rosa Hranovska


“I am looking for a job for my husband. He did not come because I am here by chance. He has a type D visa, and he speaks English, I wish he had a job. I have taken some ad brochures and the girls at the stands have explained to me who to contact (in their companies). When I come home, I will share this information with him.”

Veronika Syrotkina

Job hunter, teacher

“I am looking for a job connected to foreign languages and organizations, maybe management. I am currently teaching English, but I am not sure I want to develop further in this sphere. I have experience of working in secretarial jobs, in an international organization, and in a hotel. So, currently I am looking for opportunities to develop myself. I have already talked to the British-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and maybe it is the closest match for me.”

Lyudmyla Zvereva

Job hunter

“I came here spontaneously after reading the newspaper in a cafe. I asked myself: Why not give it a try? Unfortunately, I did not take my  resume so I have no results right now. But some companies saw my interest. When I sit down at my computer I will surely send them my CV and will wait for their interview invitations.”

Anton Pomyluiko


“I came here to learn about finding a job in the IT sphere. This is the sphere where I want to grow.  Now I am a student in my fourth year and I want to study for one more. Currently I want to combine studies and work. In the future I want to combine IT and my engineering education in metrology.”