Oleskiy Borisovich
government employee
“The trial should not be closed because this is a notorious murder. They closed the trial because they do not want to show those who gave the orders. This figure is still alive and influential. Maybe that person may have lawmaker’s immunity.”

Oleksandr Poliakov
“This might be due to the fact that someone is just lazy to deal with such a touchy issue.”

Elena Dastgahidezfuli
“I see no point in closing the trial. I think it would have been much better if it was open. I do not see any point in this trial, because it has been dragging for a long time. If they had really wanted to find the guilty, they would have already jailed them.”

Artur Savasteyev
“I think society should not know all the details of this political game behind the scenes. When a case goes to court, we should only hope for the justice system to be fair and objective. I think this is in the interest of the trial investigation. For example, the trial against the Norwegian who is accused of terrorism is partially closed.”

Svitlana Pashchenko
“I think it’s because someone wants it to be closed. It’s because there are many ‘dark spots’ in this case, and they are not willing to reveal them.”
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