Articles by Alexander J.

Tough times ahead for Russian studies

Alexander Motyl, Adrian Karatnycky: Zelensky’s moment of reckoning

Alexander J. Motyl: Zelensky is in serious trouble already


Adrian Karatnycky, Alexander Motyl: The end of Zelensky’s honeymoon

Alexander Motyl: It’s time for Ukraine to let the Donbas go

Alexander Motyl: Don’t believe Trump’s lies about Ukrainian corruption

Alexander Motyl: Welcome, Ukrainians, to the American swamp

Alexander Motyl: Putin may want to be an emperor

Alexander J. Motyl: How history will judge Poroshenko

Alexander Motyl: How Poroshenko could win and Zelenskiy could lose

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukraine’s TV president is dangerously pro-Russian

Alexander Motyl: Ukraine’s Poroshenko paradox

Alexander J. Motyl: Could Zelenskiy be a reformer?

Alexander J. Motyl: Which Ukrainians will lose most if Zelenskiy wins?

Alexander Motyl: Why a Zelenskiy presidency would be a disaster for Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl and Dennis Soltys: Rating presidential candidates

Alexander Motyl: Putin’s dream scenario for Ukraine

Aleksander J. Motyl: Is Russia about to invade Ukraine?

Adrian Karatnycky and Alexander J. Motyl: What Ukraine’s anticorruption warriors forget, …

Adrian Karatnycky, Alexander Motyl: How Western anticorruption policy is failing Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: Arm Ukraine now

Alexander J. Motyl: Kyiv should give up on the Donbas

Alexander J. Motyl: Vladimir Putin, war criminal

Alexander J. Motyl: Six myths about corruption in Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: Is Russia planning a major land war against Ukraine?

Alexander J. Motyl: Eastern Europe must prepare for the worst about Trump

Alexander J. Motyl: What Ukraine can learn from Germany’s Cold War divisions

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukraine’s next 25 years

Alexander J. Motyl: Trivializing genocide – a dangerous distraction

Alexander J. Motyl: Why peace is impossible with Putin

Alexander J. Motyl: Let it go

Alexander J. Motyl: Kremlin tightens grip on devastated Donbas

Alexander J. Motyl: National memory in Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: Sloppy thinking about war helps no one

Alexander J. Motyl: 25 years of Ukraine’s independence

Alexander J. Motyl: Karaganov shows pathology of Putin’s realism

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukraine is winning on the linguistic battle front

Alexander J. Motyl: Here’s why more Ukrainians admire nationalists, and why the West …

Alexander J. Motyl: Culture and corruption in Ukraine (INTERVIEW)

Alexander J. Motyl: War and energy in Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: The dangerous perspective of Theo Sommer

Alexander J. Motyl: Germany’s socialists, Russia’s fascism, and Ukrainian deaths

Alexander J. Motyl: Though progress is genuine, reform must accelerate in Ukraine …

Alexander J. Motyl: When downsizing is a good thing for a state

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukraine’s united future depends on leaving Donbas in its divided past

Alexander J. Motyl: A Donbas strategy going forward (Interview)

Alexander J. Motyl: Answering the critics – Donbas disengagement

Alexander J. Motyl: Dying for the Donbas?

Alexander J. Motyl: Why slow and steady wins the race; a case for patience in post-Maidan …

Alexander J. Motyl: Putin celebrates unrepentant fascist Zhirinovsky

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukraine’s new Cabinet

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukraine – a bridge linking the West and Russia?

Alexander J. Motyl: The Dutch, Kyiv and reform

Alexander J. Motyl: Is Ukraine’s economic potential its destiny?

Alexander J. Motyl: Ukrainian identity after the EuroMaidan

Alexander J. Motyl: Sick of the Ukraine crisis? Then arm Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: Time for Ukraine to take the initiative

Alexander J. Motyl: Putin’s Syria gambit

Alexander J. Motyl: Decentralizing government power is key to reforming Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: Two cheers for Cold War!

Alexander J. Motyl: Managing Kyiv’s government crisis

Alexander J. Motyl: Why reintegrating the Donbas is suicide for Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl: Kissinger’s vapid vision thing