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Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Articles by Amnesty International
March 3, 2016,
8:55 am
Amnesty International: Syrian and Russian forces targeting hospitals as a strategy of war
Aug. 26, 2015,
8:52 am
Amnesty International: Crimean activists sentenced after ‘fatally flawed’ military trial
April 17, 2015,
9:44 pm
Amnesty International: Ukraine’s spate of suspicious deaths must be followed by credible …
April 9, 2015,
10:50 am
Amnesty International: New evidence of summary killings of captured soldiers must spark …
March 12, 2015,
11:08 am
Amnesty International: Russian activists threatened with criminal charges after raising …
Feb. 5, 2015,
8:02 am
Amnesty International: Debaltseve’s residents reaching breaking point
Dec. 24, 2014,
10:20 am
Amnesty International: Humanitarian disaster looms as food aid blocked in eastern Ukraine
Oct. 20, 2014,
4:30 pm
Amnesty International: Summary killings, misrecorded and misreported
Sept. 7, 2014,
2:54 am
Amnesty International: Mounting evidence of war crimes and Russian involvement in Ukraine
Aug. 6, 2014,
4:20 pm
Amnesty International: Impunity reigns for abductions and ill-treatment by Ukraine …
July 11, 2014,
6:51 pm
Amnesty International: Mounting evidence of abduction and torture in Ukraine
July 4, 2014,
8:32 pm
Amnesty International: Ukraine pride cancelled after police fail to guarantee protection
March 14, 2014,
7:19 pm
Amnesty International: Clashes and abductions ahead of disputed Crimea vote
Feb. 26, 2014,
7:11 pm
Amnesty International: Ukraine must prosecute the perpetrators of demonstration deaths
Jan. 18, 2014,
9:27 am
Amnesty International: Ukraine’s new charter for oppression
Nov. 29, 2013,
3:19 pm
Amnesty International: Ukraine curtails freedoms at home
Sept. 7, 2013,
10:39 am
Amnesty International: Ukraine’s attempt to ignore homophobic discrimination outrageous
May 16, 2013,
1:51 pm
Amnesty International: Discrimination and violent attacks in pervasive climate of …
April 11, 2013,
12:31 pm
Amnesty International: Make the police accountable and stamp out torture
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