Articles by Ariel Cohen

Ariel Cohen: After Pandora Papers, US can help bring European corruption under control

Ariel Cohen: Biden’s Russia strategy needs to look past Putin

Ariel Cohen and David Pasmanik: Energy sanctions can prevent a new Russian offensive in …


Ariel Cohen: Ukraine cannot stand up to Russia without a modern electric grid

Ariel Cohen: Weak energy prices show Russia’s Achilles heel

Ariel Cohen: Russia and Saudi Arabia reach truce in oil price war

Ariel Cohen: NATO must turn its attention to the Black Sea

Ariel Cohen: Ukraine’s most important battle is for energy independence

Ariel Cohen: Who wins in fight among US, EU, Russia?

Ariel Cohen: The dangers of Nord Stream 2 for Ukraine

Ariel Cohen: Russia is roaring back to the Middle East while America is asleep

Ariel Cohen: Let’s make America great again by making Washington transparent

Ariel Cohen: By changing alphabet, Kazakhs take another step toward the West

Ariel Cohen: More solidarity with Ukraine needed, say speakers at the Kyiv Security Forum

Ariel Cohen: Trump and Merkel cannot afford to fail

Ariel Cohen: Trump and Putin – the shortest honeymoon ever is over

Ariel Cohen: Trump’s Russia policy – rough draft

Ariel Cohen: Beyond the Trump-Putin warmth, tough decisions lurk

Ariel Cohen: The West has a Ukraine challenge, and it’s not going away

Ariel Cohen: NATO should stand up Black Sea command before it’s too late

Ariel Cohen: Minimizing the Kremlin’s influence on Europe

Ariel Cohen: Russia from Ukraine to Syria – helping the cat down the tree

Ariel Cohen: Moscow’s veto of MH17 tribunal – A blunder of potentially huge proportions

Ariel Cohen: Putin explores legal loopholes to take back the Baltic nations

Ariel Cohen: Hey, remember me? It’s Europe

Ariel Cohen: No easy outs for Putin – US presidential candidates united on Ukraine

Ariel Cohen: Putin’s chilling message to the West