Articles by Brian Whitmore

Brian Whitmore: Is Lukashenko mimicking Putin’s weaponization of organized crime?

Brian Whitmore: Has Lukashenko’s anti-NATO gambit paid off with Putin?

Brian Whitmore: Are Belarus and Russia using migrant crisis to smuggle agents into Europe?


Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko escalates EU border crisis

Brian Whitmore: West seeks new ways to hold Belarus dictator Lukashenka accountable

Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko vs. Ukraine

Brian Whitmore: Russia fears the Belarusization of Belarus

Brian Whitmore: What Russian elections will reveal about the Kremlin

Brian Whitmore: Russian-Belarusian military merger accelerates

Brian Whitmore: Belarus and Europe’s new Iron Curtain

Brian Whitmore: Putin militarizes Belarus

Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko goes all in with Putin

Brian Whitmore: Belarus dictator escalates EU border migrant crisis

Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko ‘negotiates’ his political future with Moscow

Brian Whitmore: Belarus dissident death in Ukraine fuels fears over Lukashenko death …

Brian Whitmore: Concerns mount over Russia-Belarus military exercises

Brian Whitmore: Money wars in Belarus

Brian Whitmore: Putin and Lukashenko are locked in a dysfunctional axis of autocrats

Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko vs. Europe

Brian Whitmore: Belarus dictator weaponizes illegal migrants against EU

Brian Whitmore: Belarus sanctions target dictator’s Russian enablers

Brian Whitmore: Tensions mount between Belarus dictator and Kremlin

Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko backs Putin’s Ukraine war

Brian Whitmore: Putin’s Belarus strategy — arsonist and firefighter?

Brian Whitmore: Did Russia assist in Belarus dictator’s act of air piracy?

Brian Whitmore: How Putin and Lukashenko really talk to each other

Brian Whitmore: Time to sanction the Putin-Lukashenko ‘axis of autocrats’

Brian Whitmore: Belarus sanctions – time to target Russia?

Brian Whitmore: Lukashenko’s succession gambit — Kremlin capitulation or power play?

Brian Whitmore: Bizarre Belarus ‘coup plot’ has all the hallmarks of a classic Kremlin …

Brian Whitmore: Belarus is the new front in Putin’s war against Ukraine

Brian Whitmore: The battle for Belarus – Russified regime faces Westernizing society

Brian Whitmore: Inside the Russian takeover of Belarus

Brian Whitmore: Moscow’s man in Minsk

Brian Whitmore: How do you sanction a problem like Lukashenko?

Brian Whitmore: Putin’s stealth takeover of Belarus gains momentum

Brian Whitmore: Spring showdown looms in Belarus

Brian Whitmore: Questions remain after Putin hosts Lukashenka

Brian Whitmore: Innovative opposition defies Belarus dictator Lukashenko

Brian Whitmore: Is Russia slowly annexing Belarus in plain sight?

Brian Whitmore: Belarus national reinvention leaves little room for Russia

Brian Whitmore: Protest mood spreads from Belarus to Russia as calls grow for post-Soviet …

Brian Whitmore: Belarus presents the West with an opportunity to be on the right side of …

Brian Whitmore: Vladimir Putin has nothing but bad options in Belarus

Brian Whitmore: A tale of two uprisings

Brian Whitmore: The ghosts of protests past

Brian Whitmore: If you can’t make it, steal it

Brian Whitmore: Trouble on the Black Sea

Brian Whitmore: Fear and loathing in post-plebiscite Russia

Brian Whitmore: Welcome to late Putinism

Brian Whitmore: Putin’s grand illusion

Brian Whitmore: Putin’s murder-for-hire ring

Brian Whitmore: Russia’s forever ruler

Brian Whitmore: Extortion as statecraft

Brian Whitmore: Coronavirus in the Kremlin

Brian Whitmore: Tinker, tailor, hitman, spy

Brian Whitmore: Russia’s untouchables

Brian Whitmore: Putin’s gangsters

Brian Whitmore: Belarus in between

Brian Whitmore: Putin’s big fat Turkish divorce

Brian Whitmore: Legitimizing an empire

Brian Whitmore: Russia’s succession problem

Brian Whitmore: Moscow’s 1989 lies