Articles by Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt: Why Saakashvili’s arrest may be one crisis too many for Georgia

Carl Bildt: US, EU must be ready to stand up to Russian aggression

Carl Bildt: Why attempts to reset relations with Russia have failed again


Carl Bildt: Global leaders watch the US election closely

Carl Bildt: All eyes on Belarus

Carl Bildt: Ukraine’s new leader must set clear priorities

Carl Bildt: The West should support Ukraine’s reform trajectory

Carl Bildt: The end of an era in Europe

Carl Bildt: Is peace in Donbas possible?

Carl Bildt: Putin’s new Ukraine gambit suggests a shift in the Kremlin

Carl Bildt: A European’s appeal – Don’t surrender to Russia on Ukraine sanctions

Carl Bildt: What would the revival of Russian imperial instincts mean for Europe?

Carl Bildt: Europe, stand up for Erdoğan

Carl Bildt: 3 ways to stop ‘revisionist, militaristic’ Russia

Carl Bildt: Enough already! It’s time for the West to arm Ukraine

Carl Bildt: Ukraine’s vote, Russia’s fate

Carl Bildt: Putin’s credibility lies amid the wreckage of flight MH17

Carl Bildt: Ukraine deserves better

New Eastern Europe: The Eastern Partnership – towards a reunited Europe

Financial Times: Ukraine has postponed an opportunity to prosper

Tymoshenko’s trial and Ukraine’s future