Articles by David Ignatius

David Ignatius: The ice between US and Russia may be thawing

David Ignatius: Gen. Milley’s stress test

David Ignatius: Biden needs to turn the page from a painful August


David Ignatius: Russia and China are trying to control the Internet — even as they censor …

David Ignatius: Biden should make progress at home

David Ignatius: Russia’s plot to control the internet is no longer a secret

David Ignatius: Biden’s first 100 days in foreign policy have been about undoing

David Ignatius: Russia’s military activity near Ukraine tests Biden administration

David Ignatius: Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh continues to rankle

David Ignatius: Russia’s disinformation campaign will keep rolling

David Ignatius: The Biden administration’s Saudi problem

David Ignatius: Biden plans to nominate William J. Burns to run the CIA

David Ignatius: The truth behind the Hunter Biden non-scandal

David Ignatius: Trump’s bad marriage with the military has finally exploded

David Ignatius: Evidence at last shreds Trump’s lies about a Russia ‘hoax’

David Ignatius: Putin is reckless because we allow him to be

David Ignatius: Bolton’s book – Trump’s corrupt dealings with Turkey

David Ignatius: Are we seeing a tactical tilt toward Russia?

David Ignatius: Pompeo has a belligerent streak

David Ignatius: Russians are masters when it comes to cyberwars

David Ignatius: We still don’t have answers on Khashoggi’s murder

David Ignatius: Rudy Inc.

David Ignatius: People died while Trump played games with Ukraine’s military aid

David Ignatius: Where is Mike Pompeo?

David Ignatius: In Ukraine, the quid pro quo may have started long before the phone call

David Ignatius: For Trump, Ukraine is a story of resentment, opportunism

David Ignatius: Trump needs to set some boundaries

David Ignatius: Moscow shouldn’t misjudge the Mueller moment

David Ignatius: When Russia meddles, what’s a business to do?

David Ignatius: The Mueller report won’t fix the problem underlying it all

David Ignatius: A public warning to Putin

David Ignatius: Working with Russia on cybercrime is like hiring a burglar to protect the …

David Ignatius: Putin must wonder what else the US knows

David Ignatius: America ignores Russia at its peril

David Ignatius: The billionaire who does Putin’s dirty work

David Ignatius: Russia is pushing to control cyberspace. We should all be worried

David Ignatius: Tillerson is working with China and Russia – very, very quietly

David Ignatius: Russia’s election meddling backfired — big-time

David Ignatius: War in space is becoming a real threat

David Ignatius: The exotic new weapons the Pentagon wants to deter Russia and China

David Ignatius: Team Russia – world police

David Ignatius: NATO’s new perils

David Ignatius: Back to the future in Putin’s Europe

David Ignatius: The United States should think – and act – like a superpower

David Ignatius: Crafting a strategy for deterring Putin

David Ignatius: The risk of tougher sanctions on Russia

David Ignatius: A Finland model for Ukraine?

David Ignatius: Putin is winging it on Ukraine

David Ignatius: Has the Ukraine crisis been defused?