Articles by Eli Lake

Eli Lake: Republicans may still try to kill Nord Stream 2

Eli Lake: Georgia is Biden’s first foreign policy crisis

Eli Lake: The dark side of going solar


Eli Lake: How the FBI became a target of Russian disinformation

Eli Lake: Russia is using the media to wage war in Belarus

Eli Lake: Trump finds time to start wooing Putin again

Eli Lake: Trump’s new nuclear budget is bad news for Russia

Eli Lake: The other quid pro quo scandal in Ukraine

Eli Lake: Trump isn’t Putin’s puppet, he’s just unfit for office

Eli Lake: What is Vladimir Putin afraid of?

Eli Lake: Focus on the leaking, not just the spying

Eli Lake: Putin’s moves in Venezuela are not as ominous as they appear

Eli Lake: Managing cyberwar with vodka

Eli Lake: Putin will understand only one response, escalation

Eli Lake: Don’t Let Russia lead Interpol

Eli Lake: Rand Paul’s campaign to appease Russia comes to Congress

Eli Lake: Trump isn’t the only one who wants to get along with Putin

Eli Lake: Montenegro takes on Russia, America and a former CIA officer

Eli Lake: Expect Trump to strike Syrian forces again, with the same result

Eli Lake: If Russia is blackmailing Trump, tell investigators, not MSNBC

Eli Lake: Why Trump is reluctant to escalate the cyber war with Russia

Eli Lake: Don’t be fooled – Russia attacked US troops in Syria

Eli Lake: Ukraine’s top spy is pleased with Trump

Eli Lake: Europe’s high representative for appeasement

Eli Lake: A book of questions (but not answers) on Trump and Russia

Eli Lake: Obama choked on Russia long before the 2016 election

Eli Lake: At 100 days, Trump’s no Russian stooge or fascist

Eli Lake: Devin Nunes and the tragedy of the Russia inquiry

Eli Lake: Russian hackers’ aggression in cyberspace

Eli Lake: Why the US needs Russian rocket engines to spy on Russia

Josh Rogin and Eli Lake: US told Ukraine to stand down as Putin invaded

Josh Rogin and Eli Lake: Ukraine says Russian generals lead separatists

Josh Rogin and Eli Lake: Kerry helped free US ‘spies’ trapped in Ukraine