Articles by Foreign Affairs

Could the Siloviki Challenge Putin?

Foreign Affairs: Russia’s battle for the Black Sea

Foreign Affairs: How to save democracy from technology


Foreign Affairs: The pandemic and political order

Foreign Affairs: Where is Russia’s strongman in the coronavirus crisis?

Foreign Affairs: Making cyberspace safe for democracy

Foreign Affairs: The majority of Crimeans are still glad for their annexation by Russia

Foreign Affairs: How Trump hijacked US foreign policy during his impeachment

Foreign Affairs: The price of peace in Donbas

Foreign Affairs: Ukraine needs more than lethal aid from the United States

Foreign Affairs: Putin’s game plan in Ukraine

Foreign Affairs: Can Ukraine win its war on corruption?

Foreign Affairs: How big a challenge is Russia?

Foreign Affairs: The trouble with arming Ukraine

Foreign Affairs: How Ukraine reined in its militias

Foreign Affairs: Ukraine prepares for Trump

Foreign Affairs: Operation Dragoon Ride

Foreign Affairs: Should the United States arm Ukraine?

Foreign Affairs: Award winning journalist says truth is under fire in Ukraine

Foreign Affairs: NATO’s biggest mistake