Articles by Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy: Oil prices are falling, not oil regimes

Foreign Policy: Cleaning up in eastern Ukraine

Foreign Policy: Russian credibility on Ukraine low at UN meeting


Foreign Policy: Trading with terrorists, Ukraine-style

Foreign Policy: Corrupt Ukrainian politicians have a taste for mansions

Foreign Policy: License to kill

Foreign Policy: Snowden belongs in jail, not in Switzerland

Foreign Policy: Escape from Horlivka

Foreign Policy: The empire strikes back

Foreign Policy: If a Grad rocket falls during a cease-fire…

Foreign Policy: Anatomy of a bloodbath

Foreign Policy: Belarusian KGB attacks Ice Bucket Challenge

Jeffrey Tayler: Putin’s nuclear option

Foreign Policy: The West’s tricky economic war with Russia

Foreign Policy: NATO owes Putin a big thank-you

Foreign Policy: Even on financial front, Ukraine and Russia on opposing sides

Foreign Policy: Russian troops in Ukraine shape NATO’s counter to Putin

Foreign Policy: How NATO could confront the Putin doctrine

Foreign Policy: Strangers in the homeland – displaced eastern Ukrainians

Foreign Policy: Ukraine’s oligarchs are still calling the shots

Foreign Policy: Underground art collective strikes Ukrainian rebel stronghold

Foreign Policy: You have unmanly pets, Rogozin says to Obama

Foreign Policy: Russia has 15,000 crack troops on the Ukrainian border

Foreign Policy: West sanctions Moscow, with caveats

Foreign Policy: Europe finally ready to sanction Russia more broadly

Foreign Policy: Questions remain about U.S. Intel and Airline warnings before MH17 downing

Foreign Policy: How to kneecap the thug in the Kremlin

Foreign Policy: Pentagon warns Russia could move heavier weapons into Ukraine ‘imminently’

Foreign Policy: Coke brothers

Foreign Policy: The infowar rages in Moscow

Foreign Policy: There’s little doubt that pro-Russian rebels, using Russian weapons, shot …

Foreign Policy: Putin’s tour of Latin America shows that the leftist south still has love …

Foreign Policy: Russia is firing missiles in eastern Ukraine

Foreign Policy: Ukraine’s do-it-yourself war

Vera Mironova and Valerie Hopkins: Ukraine’s do-it-yourself war

Foreign Policy: Blame the foreigner

Foreign Policy: All eyes turn to Donetsk as Ukrainian military advances (VIDEO)

Foreign Policy: Russia vetoes House of Cards

Foreign Policy: Is Europe ready to commit?

Foreign Policy: Moscow beefs up military support for Iraq

Foreign Policy: More reporters die in eastern Ukraine

Foreign Policy: Naked Yanukovych was just the start – Ukrainian artist knocks Putin by …

Alec Luhn: Fight Club, Donetsk

Foreign Policy: Learnig from Crimea

Foreign Policy: These tanks are freaking out Ukraine

Foreign Policy: Is Putin winning or losing in Ukraine?

Foreign Policy: The Corleones of the Caspian

Foreign Policy: No-bluff Putin

Foreign Policy: What Russia could look like in 2035, if Putin gets his wish

Foreign Policy: The fascists are coming, the fascists are coming!

Jamila Trindle: The honeymoon’s already over

Foreign Policy: From Russia with love (and a discount)

Foreign Policy: Merkel in the middle

Foreign Policy: Who cares if Putin torpedoes the Russian economy?

Foreign Policy: Russia says that UN turns blinds eye to Ukraine`s rights abuses

Foreign Policy: What should the West make of Putin’s gambit in Ukraine?

Christopher J. Fettweis: Some misleading analogies about the Ukraine crisis

Foreign Policy: China’s oil-rig gambit

Foreign Policy: Why Jews and Ukrainians have become unlikely allies

Foreign Policy: A bit of the old ultraviolence

Foreign Policy: Sorry, America, the new world order is dead

Foreign Policy: How Putin is reinventing warfare

Foreign Policy: Here’s how Russia is strong-arming Crimea’s Tatars into supporting …