Articles by Grigory Ioffe

Grigory Ioffe: Epiphenomena in the Belarusian political crisis

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian-Russian economic dependency

Grigory Ioffe: The Belarusian opposition and the 5 stages of grief


Grigory Ioffe: Who is losing Belarus?

Grigory Ioffe: Hopes for solution to Belarus’s political crisis derailed again

Grigory Ioffe: Recent developments on Belarus’s 2 geopolitical flanks

Grigory Ioffe: Sanctions on Belarus will not bring regime change

Grigory Ioffe: The unstable equilibrium of Belarus’s political crisis

Grigory Ioffe: 1 year since the disputed presidential elections in Belarus

Grigory Ioffe: The international dimension of Belarus’s political crisis

Grigory Ioffe: The fate of the Belarusian opposition

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian politics and the tyranny of simple solutions

Grigory Ioffe: Europe’s sanctions and Belarus

Grigory Ioffe: Belarus’s political crisis reverberates in Russia, Poland

Grigory Ioffe: What did Protasevich’s interview reveal?

Grigory Ioffe: Belarus stages what it sees as major security operations

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian political standoff

Grigory Ioffe: Going over the top in and around Belarus

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian state-run TV scores propaganda victories

Grigory Ioffe: Minsk is trying to unfreeze relations with West, Ukraine

Grigory Ioffe: An alarming twist in the political crisis of Belarus

Grigory Ioffe: Parallel worlds in Belarus’s public politics

Grigory Ioffe: Reshaping Belarus’s political scene

Grigory Ioffe: Sochi Summit contra the West’s Belarus policies

Grigory Ioffe: Amidst repressions, Minsk is snapping back

Grigory Ioffe: The complexities of measuring Belarusian public opinion

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian realities

Grigory Ioffe: Even the near future is uncertain in Belarus

Grigory Ioffe: What will happen in Belarus, and when?

Grigory Ioffe: The changing religious landscape of Belarus and its impact on Belarusian …

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian crisis through the prism of virtual realities

Grigory Ioffe: No end in sight for Belarusian political crisis

Grigory Ioffe: Tragedy boosts Belarusian protests, swift denouement unlikely

Grigory Ioffe: Lukashenko’s legacy and the damage to public trust

Grigory Ioffe: Realistic image of Belarusian society

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian government reckons with two months of protests

Grigory Ioffe: Post-Lukashenko Belarus

Grigory Ioffe: Trying to see into Belarus’s near future

Grigory Ioffe: Belarus at Moscow’s mercy all over again

Grigory Ioffe: The calm before the storm in Belarus?

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusian elections and geopolitical somersaults

Grigory Ioffe: Belarusians worry about the economy

Grigory Ioffe: Belarus fights COVID-19 and an information war

Grigory Ioffe: Belarus’s geopolitical loneliness

Grigory Ioffe: New trade war erupts between Russia and Belarus