Articles by John F.

The importance of economic reform in Ukraine

Looking Ahead To 2013: US ambassador will leave with confidence in Ukraine

Tefft: Rule of law key to democracy


Alec Ross in Kyiv to promote Internet freedom

Alec Ross in Kyiv to promote Internet freedom

70 years since Babi Yar the Holocaust still has a lesson to teach

70 years since Babi Yar the Holocaust still has a lesson to teach

Ukraine: 20 Years of Independence

Ukraine: 20 Years of Independence

Independence Day, Hawaiian style!

Independence Day, Hawaiian style!

Pinchuk Foundation scholarship winners join the ranks of students studying in the U.S. and …

Pinchuk Foundation scholarship winners join the ranks of students studying in the U.S. and …

Odessa in June

Odessa in June: Sea Breeze, talented children at Lastochka, and a busy schedule make for a …

Chernihiv visit: US-funded program to fight human trafficking and meeting with energetic …

Chernihiv visit: US-funded program to fight human trafficking and meeting with energetic …

U.S. Ambassador John F. Tefft: Democracy and why it is so important for Ukraine

“Passing the Comfort:” Quilt exhibit at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Library Innovations and eGovernance Fair

Library Innovations and eGovernance Fair

Government of Ukraine takes a key step toward transparency and accountability to its …

Scuppering SCUDs: Helping Ukraine safely dispose of obsolete weapons

Remembering the Orange Revolution

Remembering the Orange Revolution

Successful Lisbon summit opens way for deeper Ukraine-NATO cooperation to solve problems

Successful NATO summit increases potential for cooperation with eastern neighbors

Successful NATO summit increases potential for cooperation with eastern neighbors

U.S. Ambassador John F. Tefft: Congratulations to exchange alumni and American Councils!

Congratulations to exchange alumni and American Councils!