Articles by John Lough

John Lough: Why Ukraine’s system of crony capitalism endures

John Lough: Germany’s relationship with Putin is a problem for Ukraine

John Lough: Ukraine’s system of crony capitalism


John Lough: Is Ukraine about to cut the Gordian knot of judicial reform?

John Lough and Vladimir Dubrovskiy: Are anti-corruption reforms working?

John Lough, Volodymyr Dubrovskiy: Why no one is right about Ukraine’s anti-corruption …

John Lough: Western countries must rethink how to deter Russian aggression against Ukraine

John Lough: Ukraine must focus more on reducing opportunities for corruption

Timothy Ash, Janet Gunn and others: Ukraine’s challenges are very real, but now is not the …

John Lough: Mriya can show Ukraine’s investment environment is improving

John Lough: Handling Russia should not be so difficult for the West

John Lough: The Ukraine invasion has slipped beyond Putin’s control

John Lough: Yevtushenkov is a warning to Russian business

John Lough: Interfering in Ukraine is risky business for Russia

John Lough: Putin needs an ‘off-ramp’ for Ukraine’s crisis

John Lough: EU plays hardball with Russia on gas issue