Articles by Lily Hyde

Lily Hyde: Crimea’s native tongues

Lily Hyde: Polluted by a war of words

Global effort to eradicate tuberculosis, the infectious disease that burdens Ukraine, …


Lily Hyde: Ukraine’s TB problem is ticking time bomb for Europe

Lily Hyde: The annexation of Crimea isn’t going as planned

Lily Hyde: Crimea diary – a day in the life of Nariman Dzhelyal

Lily Hyde: Hoping for no more bad news to cover from Ukraine

Peace elusive for voters in Sloviansk district

Western Ukrainian fighters leave war, cite poor support

Eastern Ukrainians start rebuilding walls, lives

Western Ukraine’s Banderstadt shelters eastern Ukraine’s refugees

Crimean Summer Tourism Disaster

Russia’s hold on Crimea creating ‘hopeless’ financial disaster for farmers on parched …

In Russian-ruled Crimea, a crackdown on journalists and activists who don’t toe Kremlin …

Ukrainian army battles Kremlin-backed separatists in Donetsk; at least one civilian killed …

Only 6,000 Crimeans registered to vote

Odessans turn their backs on national politics

Odesa: Who is to blame for 46 deaths?

Mourning, but no meaning, as Odessa buries more of its dead

Odessa mob rule: Who gave police order to release detainees, and why?

Rumors and disinformation push Donetsk residents into wartime siege mentality

Portrait of Donetsk militants: Disgruntled soldiers, naïve idealists and reluctant …

Ukraine’s government loses more ground after violent clash in Donetsk

With no Ukrainian soldiers or police, Horlivka’s city hall proves to be easy target for …

Protesters complaining of media bias seize Donetsk state broadcasting company

From slavery to freedom: Crimean Jews and Krymchaks celebrate Passover in a new country

Even Crimeans opposed to annexation seem resigned to Russian rule

Crimean Tatars, despite call for autonomy, face dilemma in relations with Russia: …

The last Ukrainian flag flying: Russian conquest divides soldiers in Crimea from …

One of last Ukrainian military bases in Crimea falls; commander’s whereabouts unknown …

Russian annexation of Crimea threatens drug therapy for people suffering from addictions, …

Crimeans prepare for changes to everyday life

Russian forces take over Ukrainian military bases in Crimea; Ukrainian naval commander …

Crimean Tatars grieve for murder victim Reshat Ametov

Ametov, murdered Crimean Tatar, called first victim of Russian occupation

Massive violations in Crimean vote strengthen case by Ukraine, West to ignore referendurm

Crimean Tatars sit this election out, or vote under pressure

Putin’s Land Grab: Ukraine fears full-scale invasion of nation

Simplistic views of nation still dominate

Is the West pushing nuclear power on Ukraine?

Kievskiye Vedomosti shuts down

IMF cuts Kyiv slack

UNICEF challenges Soviet-style foster parenting

Ukraine 102nd in United Nations’ Human Development Index

Amnesty frees 25,000 prisoners

U.S. delegation hears investors’ tales of woe