Articles by Marco Levytsky

Marco Levytsky: Ukraine boldly goes where no NATO member dared go

Canadians rally behind Belarus

Marco Levytsky: Remember the essential message of Easter


Marco Levytsky: Propaganda seeks to drive wedge between Ukrainian and Jewish communities

Marco Levytsky: Canadian diaspora impresses Zelensky, but concerns remain in the community

Cyclists bring Ukraine peace message to North America

Marco Levytsky: Why is the Ukrainian language treated with such contempt?

Marco Levytsky: Canada, the time to escalate is now

Femen’s actions serve only to further Putin’s agenda

Lack of values undermines Ukraine

Tymoshenko deserves Nobel Peace Prize

Time for Ukrainian-Canadians to review relations with Ukraine

Former Canadian official: Ukraine can become energy self-sufficient

Thugs like Yanukovych only understand the big stick

Diaspora loves Ukraine; ruling elite doesn’t

Open letter villifies freedom fighters, minimizes Holodomor

Open letter villifies freedom fighters, minimizes Holodomor

John Demjanjuk — the universal scapegoat

John Demjanjuk — the universal scapegoat

Holodomor revisionism aims to minimize the tragedy

Use free trade negotiations as leverage

Azarov disgraces himself and his country

Ukrainian News: Harper should give Yanukovych a clear message on democracy

Community’s relations with Ukraine call for more selectivity

This is independent Ukraine?

Increase the pressure on democratic values

Russification of Ukraine renewed

Russification of Ukraine renewed

Census long form decision should be reversed

Opening of dialogue with Yanukovych a welcome step

Opening of dialogue with Yanukovych a welcome step

Bravo Quebec

Bravo Quebec

Stand in solidarity with Ukrainian Catholic University

Stand in solidarity with Ukrainian Catholic University

Sambir project cited as step in improving Ukrainian-Jewish relations

Canada must take the lead in defending Ukraine’s threatened democracy

Canada must take the lead in defending Ukraine’s threatened democracy

Yanukovych betrays Ukraine

Yanukovych betrays Ukraine

Yanukovych paves the road to dictatorship

Stalin’s eulogist does not deserve Toronto honour

Yanukovych reveals himself as Moscow’s stooge

O Canada! Olympics produce an outpouring of national pride

Learning to live with Yanukovych

Ukraine mourns Chernobyl

Priced to kill: Low rates strangle power sector