Articles by Mark Galeotti

Mark Galeotti: Kremlin looks to establish a ‘techno-authoritarian’ power vertical 2.0

Mark Galeotti: Why the Duma elections still matter

Mark Galeotti: Real politics is being forced on Russia’s Communist Party


Mark Galeotti: National security strategy is a paranoid’s charter

Mark Galeotti: The great turn in Putin’s post-post-modern authoritarianism

Mark Galeotti: Why Russia politics threaten European security

Mark Galeotti: Russia in 2021

Mark Galeotti: Latest Navalny investigation puts Kremlin on the spot

Mark Galeotti: Putin’s UN speech masks decline in confident rhetoric

Mark Galeotti: Russia’s murderous adhocracy

Mark Galeotti: Moscow is not Minsk, but it is in its shadow

Mark Galeotti: Spy cases map contours of Kremlin geopolitics

Mark Galeotti: Putin is failing to deal with the coronavirus outbreak

Mark Galeotti: Russian newspaper coverage of the US time of troubles

Mark Galeotti: Putin abdicates on coronavirus crisis

Mark Galeotti: Moscow’s mayor, not Putin, is leading coronavirus fight

Mark Galeotti: Surkov’s end and the KPIocrats’ Triumph

Mark Galeotti: Putin can cautiously enjoy the Iran drama

Mark Galeotti: MH17 recordings are about crowdsourcing whistleblowers

Mark Galeotti: Boris Johnson and Putin’s unwitting helpers

Mark Galeotti: Putin’s declassified KGB record shows he was no high-flier

Mark Galeotti: Russia’s roadmap out of the MH17 crisis

Mark Galeotti: (Mis) Understanding Russia’s two ‘hybrid wars’

Mark Galeotti: Russia’s Military Intelligence Agency isn’t stupid

Mark Galeotti: Zakharchenko’s assassination won’t bring peace to Ukraine

Mark Galeotti: Former Russian spy scandal suggests the old espionage rules are breaking …

Mark Galeotti: The Argentine cocaine scandal is just the tip of a Russian iceberg

Mark Galeotti: How Putin could yet save Britain from Brexit

Mark Galeotti: How the Kremlin uses Russia’s criminal networks in Europe

Mark Galeotti: Terror in Russia and the West – a need for compassion

Mark Galeotti: Advice to Trump – beware of Russian trolls

Mark Galeotti: ‘RepressIntern’ – Russia’s security cooperation with fellow authoritarians

Mark Galeotti: Putin’s chaos strategy is coming back to bite him

Mark Galeotti: Putin is playing by Grozny rules in Aleppo

Mark Galeotti: An expert’s guide to Putin’s propaganda playbook

Mark Galeotti: Russia is massing thousands of troops on Ukraine’s border. Here’s why we …

Mark Galeotti: Putin’s incredible shrinking circle

Mark Galeotti: European security concerns bring Russian mafia back onto agenda

Mark Galeotti: Russia is only a threat if we let it be one

Mark Galeotti, Anna Arutunyan: Hybrid business – the risks in the Kremlin’s weaponization …

Mark Galeotti: How Vladimir Putin is being outfoxed by a Chechen warlord

Mark Galeotti: No, Russia is not preparing for all-out war

Mark Galeotti: Putinism won’t end with a bang, but a warrant

Mark Galeotti: The West needs to stop panicking about Russia’s ‘hybrid’ warfare

Mark Galeotti: The Putin myth

Mark Galeotti: Putin’s new National Guard

Mark Galeotti: Moscow’s mercenaries in Syria

Mark Galeotti: The Panama Papers show how corruption really works in Russia

Mark Galeotti: What Russia’s military proved in Syria

Mark Galeotti: By matching Moscow’s paranoia, the West plays into Putin’s hands

Mark Galeotti: Russia’s Communist Party making comeback — it’s bad news for Putin

Mark Galeotti: Free Lavrov!

Mark Galeotti: The Litvinenko affair: An Anglo-Russian exercise in futility

Mark Galeotti: We don’t know what to call Russian military intelligence and that may be a …

Mark Galeotti: Russia needs its brains

Mark Galeotti: Yuri Andropov would drop Assad like a hot kartoshka

Russia Direct: Mark Galeotti on Russia’s foreign policy in 2015

Mark Galeotti: Three Putins leave us all guessing

Mark Galeotti: Moscow faces terror threat it can handle

Mark Galeotti: Will 2016 see the three Russias diverging?

Mark Galeotti: A tale of two cities and their security conferences

Mark Galeotti: What could possibly go wrong in Russia’s Syrian gambit?

Mark Galeotti: If US intelligence on Russia is broken (a bit), what can be done to help …