Articles by Maryna Irkliyenko

World in Ukraine: Small Austria is big in Ukraine with investment

A view of Austrian-Ukrainian relations from leading banker with Soviet roots

Viktor from Ukraine is new gangster on ’The Simpsons’


German economic might dominates relationship

German ambassador sees uptick in economic ties with Ukraine

Vox Populi with Maryna Irkliyenko: If you had a chance to ask or say anything to President …

Vox Populi with Maryna Irkliyenko: What was the main thing you learned about creating and …

Your baby knows better

Your baby knows better

Tax expert: Numerous ways exist to minimize burden

Ukrainians face hurdles going abroad

Helen Volska: Efficiency now a major priority

Valuations down, crisis-driven M & A activity to pick up again

Traitors to the fatherland?

Patriots to the end: The Victory Day story of Ivan and Vira Irkliyenko

Everything’s On Sale

Q&A: EBRD Ukraine manager talks in depth on economic crisis, and Ukraine’s way out of it

Economic Doldrums

Baker Tilly: Business ‘skyrocketed’ in past two years

State railway service slowly rumbles to modernization

Billions in aid at stake as international pressure mounts on Ukraine’s leaders

Foreign law firms arriving; workload high despite crisis

Kyiv Post interview with banker Jacques Mournier on the banking, loan crisis

Drowning In Debt

Tax inspectors on prowl to fill budget

Morals commission gets tough on ‘The Simpsons’

Banks await another $3.2 billion

Default fears exaggerated, but mounting nonetheless

Gas deal welcome despite stiff cost to ailing economy

Coffee appetite brewing, but far behind Europe

Gfk study: Nation’s purchasing power second lowest in Europe

Italian casual at Closed

British conservatism from Marks & Spencer