Articles by Michael McFaul

Michael McFaul: US, Ukraine need to reboot their relationship

Michael McFaul: Russian dissident is fighting for his life

Michael McFaul: Why Trump’s complacency about Putin is a problem


Michael McFaul: Be prepared to fight a dangerous new wave of disinformation

Renee DiResta, Michael McFaul, Alex Stamos: How Russia will attack 2020 election

Michael McFaul: Ukraine scandal proves we need to clean up US diplomacy

Michael McFaul: Sorry, but Trump is not ‘tough on Russia’

Michael McFaul: Why Vladimir Putin is a terrible strategist

Michael McFaul: Time to start preparing the next round of sanctions against Russia

Michael McFaul: Russia as it is

Michael McFaul: From Cold War to hot peace

Michael McFaul: The smear that killed the ‘reset’

Michael McFaul: Ukraine’s democracy is approaching ‘make or break’ — and the West is …

Michael McFaul: Why deciding to ‘move forward’ with Putin is a big mistake

Michael McFaul: What Trump needs to read before meeting Putin

Michael McFaul: Trump has given Putin the best gift he could ask for

Michael McFaul: How to counter the Putin playbook

Michael McFaul: Trump, NATO is an alliance, not a protection racket

Michael McFaul: How Brexit is a win for Putin

Michael McFaul: The myth­ of Putin’s strategic genius

Michael A. McFaul: To beat Putin, support Ukraine

Michael McFaul: Putin the (not so) great