Articles by Pavel K.

Pavel Baev: Spurning pair of international summits, Putin denounces globalization

Pavel Baev: Putin’s Valdai platitudes obscure worsening domestic situation

Pavel Baev: China-Russia relations


Pavel Baev: The EU-Russia antagonism stretches from Ukraine to the Arctic

Pavel Baev: What difference will the Nobel Peace Prize make in Russia?

Pavel Baev: Putins’ attempts to regain US attention

Pavel Baev: Russian gas, German elections, US sanctions

Pavel Baev: Russia’s fake elections

Pavel Baev: Russian-style multilateralism

Pavel Baev: Russia and America’s overlapping legacies in Afghanistan

Pavel Baev: August anniversaries in Russia

Pavel Baev: Autocratic symbiosis drags Belarus, Russia down

Pavel Baev: Putin’s paranoia, more than nuclear weapons and oil, make Russia dangerous

Pavel Baev: Putin’s fixation on Ukraine is demagogic, dangerous

Putin’s fixation on Ukraine is demagogic, delusional and dangerous

Pavel Baev: Putin’s Syrian compromise amidst hostile Russian behavior

Pavel Baev: Putin’s penchant for drawing ‘red lines’

Pavel Baev: Russia predictably steps up attacks on US-European unity

Pavel Baev: Putin’s satisfaction with summit will not last

Pavel Baev: Putin’s satisfaction with Geneva summit will not last

Pavel Baev: Contradictory US, Russian messaging on the Biden-Putin summit

Pavel Baev: Distortions in Russian economic policy exposed at forum

Pavel Baev: The Kremlin’s quandary with supporting an isolated Belarus

Pavel Baev: The Arctic prelude to a ‘stabilization’ summit

Pavel Baev: Russia’s propensity for trouble-making persists

Pavel Baev: Putin leaves much unsaid in speech to parliament

Pavel Baev: Penned in on multiple international issues, Putin strives to show resolve on …

Pavel Baev: War scare is Putin’s natural element

Pavel Baev: Two words that shook Putin’s regime

Pavel Baev: Special services aggravate bad governance in Russia

Pavel Baev: Russia’s historical markers and a hampered future

Pavel Baev: West’s renewed focus on solidarity perturbs Kremlin

Pavel K. Baev: Russia blackmails and courts Europe

Pavel Baev: Russia defiant of White House’s foreign policy agenda

Pavel Baev: Deepening leadership confusion exacerbates Russia’s multiple crises

Pavel Baev: Putin at loss about connecting with new US leadership

Pavel Baev: Rediscovered moderation a poor fit for Putinist policy

Pavel K. Baev: Putin tries to regain initiative, as crises continue to rage

Pavel Baev: Russians contemplate importance of US elections for Russia

Pavel Baev: New wave of Islamic extremism adds to Putin’s troubles

Pavel Baev: Putin’s ‘strong state’ fails the coronavirus test

Pavel K. Baev: Navalny’s challenge exposes Putin’s self-isolation from reality

Pavel Baev: The coronavirus crisis undercuts Russia’s geopolitical ambitions

Pavel Baev: A chain of poor choices leads Putin into a serious blunder

Pavel Baev: Russia’s problems grow into big trouble, but Putin remains aloof

Pavel Baev: The Russian side of the murky story in Belarus

Pavel Baev: Putin remains in denial

Pavel Baev: Wave of post-referendum repressions makes Russia more dangerous

Pavel Baev: Scant foreign policy choices for a troubled and divided Russia

Pavel Baev: Kremlin fails to see anger and anxiety rising in Russia

Pavel Baev: Putin’s non-decisions paralyze crisis-stricken Russia

Pavel Baev: As Putin’s grasp weakens, his foreign policy is slackening

Pavel K. Baev: Putin might not wait for Trump to sort out his Russia policy

Pavel K. Baev: Russia’s economy deteriorates as Putin focuses on squabbles among siloviki

Pavel K. Baev: The futility of dialogue with Putin

Pavel K. Baev: Russian strategy seeks to defy economic decline with military bravado

Pavel K. Baev: The air tragedy that condemned Putin’s Russia

Pavel K. Baev: Russia is not strong. And Putin is even weaker

Pavel K. Baev: Faltering Russian economy makes renewed Ukraine offensive likelier

Pavel K. Baev: Iranian deal leaves Russia in deeper isolation

Pavel K. Baev: Putin’s conveniently imperfect memory

Pavel K. Baev: Putin’s disappearing act may be sign of leadership crisis

Pavel K. Baev: Russia makes haste in severing ties with Europe