Articles by Petro Poroshenko

Petro Poroshenko: Belarus should not be a province of the Russian neo-empire

Petro Poroshenko: My vision for the upcoming Ukraine-EU summit

Farewell address of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine’s 5th president


Petro Poroshenko: Putin must be punished

Petro Poroshenko: Nothing can stand between Ukraine and its European ambitions

Petro Poroshenko: My goal is to defeat corruption in Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko: G7 must face down Russia or suffer disaster

Petro Poroshenko: ‘Ukrainians are ready to further fight for their independence heavily’

Poroshenko: Those responsible for MH17 tragedy must be brought to justice

Petro Poroshenko: Ukraine and NATO, complementary allies against Russia

Petro Poroshenko: We believe in Europe

Petro Poroshenko: ‘We are of one blood, one mind and one values — democratic values’

Poroshenko: ‘We expect the National Anti-Corruption Bureau to efficiently fight against …

Poroshenko: ‘Integration with Europe requires elimination of corruption’

Poroshenko: ‘Again, as in times of Holodomor, Kremlin is trying to wipe Ukraine off the …

Poroshenko tells BBC Russia will pay high price for its aggression

Poroshenko: ‘These days it is Ukraine who needs help of the United Nations’

Poroshenko: ‘Ukraine is fighting . . . for global democracy and freedom’

Poroshenko: If Ukraine loses war, ‘global security will be destroyed’

Poroshenko’s statement to the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on Sept. 27

Petro Poroshenko: Why Ukraine needs to give power to its regions

Poroshenko: ‘Draft constitutional amendments do not foresee special status’ for …

Poroshenko congratulates Obama on U.S. Independence Day

Petro Poroshenko: We’re making steady progress in Ukraine, despite Putin

Poroshenko: ‘We will win again as long as we are together’

Petro Poroshenko: Ukraine’s future is in Europe – we have chosen our path

Poroshenko: Russia ‘was put to shame’ in Debaltseve (VIDEO, TRANSCRIPT)

Poroshenko declares cease-fire in place (TRANSCRIPT)

Poroshenko appoints Saakashvili as adviser on reforms

Poroshenko: ‘We stand for peace, but we accept the enemy’s challenge’

Petro Poroshenko: Vision for a ‘new Ukraine’

Poroshenko: Local elections in Donbas should be held in line with Ukrainian legislation

Petro Poroshenko: What we have achieved and still have to do for peace in the east

Poroshenko’s speech at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers

Poroshenko says NATO member-states support Ukraine

Poroshenko approves Ukrainian negotiators for Minsk meeting

Petro Poroshenko: Ukraine needs the US to respond to Russia