Articles by Polygraph

Polygraph: How Russia distorted a Ukrainian drone strike in Donbas

Polygraph: How Russia distorted, censored MH17 trial coverage

Polygraph: Is Ukraine the next Afghanistan? Nyet so fast


Polygraph: In Poland, censorship under the guise of media ‘reform’?

Polygraph: Disinfo – Russian ‘warning’ shots at British warship

Polygraph: Putin falsely labels Ukrainian indigenous peoples law ‘Nazi’

Polygraph: Russia disinfo targets new Ukraine media sanctions

Polygraph: Russia did not offer to free Ukrainian sailors it captured

Polygraph: Will Russia really gain control over Ukraine’s economy?

Polygraph: Russian Defense Ministry TV host falsely slaps West for Russophobic propaganda

Polygraph: Nord Stream 2 will not reduce nattural gas prices in Europe

Polygraph: Lavrov claims ‘some countries’ forget pre-war roles

Polygraph: Erdogan claims Turkey only NATO-member country to fight IS in Syria

Polygraph: Contaminated oil, a result of fraud as Putin claims?

Polygraph: The claim on Russian state TV that NATO doubles defense spending is baseless

Polygraph: Turning the Serbian media into a disinformation hub

Polygraph: Russian lawmakers claim Butina faced ‘Iinhumane conditions’

Polygraph: Putin makes misleading claim justifying passports to Ukrainians

Polygraph: Is North Korea responsible for stability, as Kremlin claims?

Polygraph: Moscow lashes out at Lithuanian criminal convictions of Soviet officers

Polygraph: Putin’s claim about retail gasoline prices in Russia is inaccurate

Polygraph: Does NATO ‘pull’ countries in?

Polygraph: Does Julian Assange face death penalty in the US as Russians claim?

Polygraph: Russia rehashes the claim ‘not party to Donbass conflict’

Polygraph: Lavrov says Snowden was threatened with ‘electric chair’

Polygraph: RT America misleads about the impact of Mueller investigation

Polygraph: Russian official attacks Ukrainian elections, official observers disagree

Polygraph: Sputnik blames airspace, not Russian missile, for MH17 downing

Polygraph: Kiselyov claims only rigged vote can secure Poroshenko win

Polygraph: Moscow falsely claims NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was a smokescreen for ethnic …

Polygraph: How do men’s and women’s incomes differ in Russia?

Polygraph: Mueller report summary doesn’t deny Russian interference in 2016 election

Polygraph: Moscow claims US B-52 ‘forced’ from Russian border

Polygraph: Russian TV calls out size of US prison population

Polygraph: Nuclear race defines Russia’s military doctrine

Polygraph: Moscow falsely accuses Ukraine of violating Friendship Treaty

Polygraph: Did the 2 Americans detained in Russia violate Russian law?

Polygraph: Is Russia a guarantor of stability and security?

Polygraph: Putin’s spokesman calls Mueller investigation results ‘laughable’

Polygraph: RT posts video to ‘prove’ Venezuelans don’t need outside humanitarian aid

Poygraph: Russian minister predicts Trump’s re-election, but is wrong about 2016 results

Polygraph: RT uses sarcasm, no new information, in deflecting Skripal poisoning blame

Polygraph: Kremlin spokesman calls US Congressional call to determine Putin’s wealth …

Polygraph: No, Elon Musk is not a Russian spy

Polygraph: Putin exaggerates his role in improving Russia’s population growth

Polygraph: No, USAFE commander did not thank Russians for annexing Crimea

Polygraph: Medvedev claims ‘sanctions from hell’ a US domestic affair

Polygraph: Russian state media decries Ukraine for renaming its own cities

Polygraph: Is Russia building an internet iron curtain?

Polygraph: Russian senator says has no right to ‘determine’ Venezuelan leader, but OK if …

Polygraph: Afghan military rejects Russia’s allegation of US ‘liberating Islamic State …

Polygraph: ‘Putin’s chef’ denies existence of mercenary group Wagner

Polygraph: ‘Putin’s chef’ lashes out after lawyer rebuked in troll farm case

Polygraph: Russian politician says Russia never killed dissidents, later apologizes

Polygraph: Russia demonstrates missile claiming no violation of INF only to prove opposite

Polygraph: Facts do not fit accusation by Russian TV host and media head that US holds …

Polygraph: Is Europe’s gender equality resolution a ‘provocation’ against Russia?

Polygraph: RT misleads about church fire in Kyiv

Polygraph: Russian embassy bizarrely suggests the poisoned Skripals drove to chemical …

Polygraph: RT claims WADA ‘failed’ to collect data from Moscow lab, ctually, Russian …

Polygraph: Putin’s ‘language of truth’ constantly fails fact-checking

Polygraph: Russian embassy in Canada uses Butina case to attack #MeToo and feminism

Polygraph: Kremlin ignores evidence in calling US meddling reports ‘unfounded’