Articles by Ruslan Minich

Ruslan Minich: Will the next interior minister become a ‘new Avakov’?

Ruslan Minich: The promise and peril of Ukraine’s borders

Ruslan Minich: How Ukraine’s leading comedian pulled ahead in polls


Ruslan Minich, Vitalii Rybak: Poroshenko runs on stay the course platform

Ruslan Minich: Hunger for change in Ukraine, but not much on the menu

Ruslan Minich, Vitalii Rybak: Russia openly attacks Ukraine. Why now?

Ruslan Minich: Russia shows its military might in the Black Sea and beyond

Ruslan Minich: 10 Ukrainian technologies you may already be using

Ruslan Minich: No longer a soldier – Ukraine’s returned volunteers are embracing second …

Ruslan Minich: The forgotten faces of those left behind in the Donbas

Ruslan Minich: What Europe’s forgotten war actually feels like

Ruslan Minich: What Europe’s forgotten war actually feels like

Ruslan Minich: Nationalism is on the rise in Ukraine, and that’s a good thing

Ruslan Minich and Anna Kyslytska: Is Ukraine ready for UN peacekeepers?

Ruslan Minich: Ukraine’s had revolutions, but where is the real evolution?

Ruslan Minich: Forget East-West and language divide. Politicians may exploit new wedge …

Ruslan Minich: Ukraine – What to expect in 2018

Volodymyr Yermolenko, Ruslan Minich: Ukraine’s reform drive is powering ahead

Ruslan Minich: Ukraine’s least sexy reform is transforming villages with new roads, …

Ruslan Minich, Volodymyr Yermolenko: Ten reasons why Ukraine’s economy may surprise you