Articles by Serhiy Kvit

Serhiy Kvit: What is the Capitulation Resistance Movement and why does it matter?

Serhiy Kvit: Ukraine has never given up and never will

Serhiy Kvit: A perspective on ‘fake news’


Serhiy Kvit: New accreditation system and why it matters for universities

Serhiy Kvit: Ukraine in the struggle for independence in the age of post-truth

Serhiy Kvit: The reform of Ukrainian universities – main goals and objectives

Serhiy Kvit: The paradoxes of post-Soviet education

Serhiy Kvit: Putin’s Russia is modern-day ‘evil empire’

Serhiy Kvit: No dialogue with the ’empty place’

Serhiy Kvit: The ideology of the EuroMaidan Revolution

Serhiy Kvit: What the Ukrainian protests mean

Education system far from European levels

Kvit: A parallel higher education world

University World News: Modern European, not marginal post-Soviet universities needed

University World News: New dawn for higher education in Ukraine?

University World News: Draft higher education law is retrogressive

Tabachnyk an obstacle to improving education

An appeal by Kyiv Mohyla Academy president to education sector workers