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USA Today
USA Today
Articles by USA Today
July 16, 2014,
9:31 pm
USA Today: Ukrainian female pilot Savchenko faces murder charges in Moscow
July 13, 2014,
9:14 am
USA Today: Ukraine’s next battle is Donetsk, but no bombs, please
July 8, 2014,
3:38 pm
USA Today: Obama’s day – a full NATO agenda
July 8, 2014,
1:10 pm
USA Today: People in eastern Ukraine city decide to stay or go
July 1, 2014,
5:39 pm
USA Today: Ukraine resumes military operations against insurgents (VIDEO)
July 1, 2014,
7:51 am
USA Today: Poroshenko ends cease-fire, vows attack on rebels
June 25, 2014,
7:48 am
USA Today: Ukrainian cease-fire in peril amid new violence
June 24, 2014,
1:55 pm
USA Today: Putin backtracks on Ukraine military resolution
June 21, 2014,
7:47 am
USA Today: Ukraine unrest fits pattern of Russian invasion drills
June 20, 2014,
12:15 pm
USA Today: Poroshenko to unveil peace plan as clashes intensify
June 9, 2014,
2:55 pm
USA Today: ‘This is just the beginning’ as Taliban claim Pakistan airport massacre (VIDEO)
June 6, 2014,
5:44 pm
USA Today: Putin chats with Obama, new Ukraine leader
June 5, 2014,
11:18 am
USA Today: Obama, new G-7 meet to deal with former member Russia
May 29, 2014,
9:48 pm
USA Today: Putin lowers EU-style ambitions with economic pact
May 25, 2014,
4:41 pm
USA Today: Ukraine votes amid separatist crisis
May 23, 2014,
7:07 pm
USA Today: Some doubt Putin will ‘respect’ Ukraine vote
May 22, 2014,
6:19 am
USA Today: Ukraine tense as national vote nears
May 21, 2014,
3:36 pm
USA Today: Ukraine minorities worry as Russia claims troop pullout
May 16, 2014,
7:34 am
USA Today: Ukraine battles militants, Russia demands cash for gas
May 14, 2014,
11:07 pm
USA Today: US companies get hurt by sanctions targeting Russia
May 14, 2014,
2:12 pm
USA Today: New peace push as Ukraine hosts talks
May 12, 2014,
4:14 pm
USA Today: EU sanctions weighed over Russian response to Ukraine
May 12, 2014,
11:46 am
USA Today: Moscow respects Ukraine separatist votes
May 11, 2014,
3:45 pm
USA Today: Roiled by bloodshed, east Ukraine votes in contested referendums
May 10, 2014,
10:40 pm
USA Today: Many in eastern Ukraine aren’t sold on referendum
May 8, 2014,
7:21 pm
USA Today: Congress panel says US must push harder in Ukraine
May 8, 2014,
10:24 am
USA Today: Ukraine presidential candidate sees hope in Putin’s vow
May 5, 2014,
9:41 pm
USA Today: Violence escalates in eastern Ukraine, Odessa
May 5, 2014,
4:29 pm
USA Today: Ukrainian troops intensify fight against separatists
May 2, 2014,
5:23 pm
USA Today: Russia calls UN Security Council meeting over Ukraine
May 1, 2014,
11:12 am
USA Today: Russia cranks out propaganda as militants hang on in Ukraine
April 29, 2014,
10:08 pm
USA Today: Americans support sanctions, not arms for Ukraine, according to poll
April 28, 2014,
7:18 pm
USA Today: Eastern Ukraine mayor shot as crisis escalates
April 26, 2014,
5:13 pm
USA Today: Foreign military observers held in east Ukraine
April 24, 2014,
8:11 pm
USA Today: Putin issues new threat as pro-Russia forces mobilize
April 23, 2014,
10:50 am
USA Today: Five things you need to know Wednesday
April 22, 2014,
9:52 pm
USA Today: Three Russian military intelligence officers detained in Ukraine
April 22, 2014,
2:58 pm
USA Today: Biden urges Russia to ‘stop talking and start acting’
April 21, 2014,
6:54 pm
USA Today: Biden in Ukraine as Russia accuses Kyiv of breaking deal
April 19, 2014,
9:34 pm
USA Today: Putin stymies West with subterfuge
April 19, 2014,
8:01 pm
USA Today: Ukraine crisis to headline Sunday talk shows
April 18, 2014,
3:35 pm
USA Today: Ukraine militants refuse to surrender
April 17, 2014,
6:17 pm
USA Today: Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine
April 14, 2014,
11:41 pm
USA Today: Obama speaks to Putin about violence in Ukraine
April 11, 2014,
11:14 am
USA Today: Ukraine demands occupiers vacate; Russia troops mass
April 10, 2014,
11:46 pm
USA Today: Ukraine demands occupiers vacate; Russia troops mass
April 8, 2014,
9:25 pm
USA Today: Kerry says Russia creating pretext for Ukraine invasion
April 7, 2014,
10:38 pm
USA Today: Pro-Russia activists declare eastern Ukraine independent
April 6, 2014,
9:30 pm
USA Today: After Ukraine, Russians brace for repressions
April 3, 2014,
10:15 am
USA Today: Ukraine examines ex-president’s lavish lifestyle
April 2, 2014,
12:08 pm
USA Today: 5 things you need to know
April 1, 2014,
6:54 am
USA Today: Putin’s holy grail
March 30, 2014,
2:03 pm
USA Today: Missing airplane relatives arrive in Malaysia seeking answers
March 30, 2014,
10:06 am
USA Today: Flurry of diplomacy raises hopes in Ukraine
March 29, 2014,
9:50 am
USA Today: Ukraine’s military unprepared to hurt Russia
March 28, 2014,
11:14 am
USA Today: The world’s weirdest foods for brave travelers
March 28, 2014,
11:08 am
USA Today: 5 things you need to know on Friday
March 28, 2014,
9:31 am
USA Today: West ramps up reaction to Crimea
March 26, 2014,
4:21 pm
USA Today: Obama says West united against Russia
March 24, 2014,
6:53 pm
USA Today: Russia won’t be hit hard by sanctions, experts say
March 24, 2014,
10:05 am
USA Today: Obama, ‘Europe not an East-West battleground’
March 22, 2014,
12:59 pm
USA Today: In Europe, Obama looks to rally on Ukraine
March 21, 2014,
7:53 pm
USA Today: Ukraine-Europe deal may cause unrest in east
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