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Nov. 6, 2009,
9:55 am
Financial Times: EU urges Kyiv to avert fresh gas crisis
Nov. 5, 2009,
9:41 am
Euronews: A mix of election fever and flu in Ukraine
Oct. 31, 2009,
9:06 am
WHO sends mission to Ukraine
Oct. 30, 2009,
12:36 pm
Kyiv’s drugstores running out of face masks
Oct. 30, 2009,
12:12 pm
Ukrainian Journal: Prime Minister seeking international support for veto
Oct. 29, 2009,
5:21 pm FBI cracks immigration ring, ‘corrupt’ Kyiv embassy officials reportedly …
Oct. 29, 2009,
4:53 pm
Kyiv’s mayor plans to open municipal fast food network
Oct. 29, 2009,
7:36 am
President asks nation’s priests to avoid politicking
Oct. 29, 2009,
7:15 am
Tax police seize apartment of scuba diver banker
Oct. 29, 2009,
6:43 am
Health Ministry warns of early flu outbreak
Oct. 28, 2009,
1:14 pm
Opposition: Kyiv is deep in debt
Oct. 27, 2009,
2:43 pm
Kyiv’s landmarks set to be given away by city council on Oct. 29
Oct. 26, 2009,
10:52 am
Kyiv’s Mariyinsky Park to get nine love-themed sculptures in November
May 13, 2009,
4:47 pm
Mercury discovered at abandoned factory by Lisova metro
May 13, 2009,
4:47 pm
Mercury discovered at abandoned factory by Lisova metro
May 13, 2009,
4:47 pm
Mercury discovered at abandoned factory by Lisova metro
May 13, 2009,
4:47 pm
Mercury discovered at abandoned factory by Lisova metro
May 7, 2009,
6:50 pm
Hot water cuts will start May 12
April 30, 2009,
6:35 pm
U.S. Embassy statement on swine flu, or H1N1 Influenza A
April 21, 2009,
4:51 pm
Tomenko demands Chernovetsky progress report
April 15, 2009,
11:40 am
Appellate court revokes 2003 land rent deal
March 19, 2009,
9:46 am
Washington Post opinion: Improved Moscow ties desirable, but not at expense of Ukraine and …
March 9, 2009,
12:47 pm
Hyatt caught fire on Women’s Day
March 2, 2009,
2:19 pm
Mayor is losing popularity fast
Feb. 3, 2009,
11:45 pm
Historic building goes down regardless of protests
Feb. 3, 2009,
10:32 pm
Municipal authorities develop the city without a plan
Jan. 26, 2009,
10:30 pm
Want to clean up after animals at the zoo? Pay up!
Jan. 21, 2009,
3:45 pm
City council to debate several contoversial issues on Jan. 22
Jan. 20, 2009,
12:46 pm
City fails to pay teachers
Jan. 15, 2009,
11:21 pm
Deputy mayor to dine with businessmen for cash
Jan. 15, 2009,
4:33 pm
Mayor recruiting ‘an army of babushkas’ to move pensioners out of homes
Jan. 15, 2009,
7:11 am
Ukraine, Russia to resume gas talks in Moscow on Saturday
Jan. 10, 2009,
4:14 pm
Olha Baida, deputy editor of website, dies from burns suffered in fire
Jan. 10, 2009,
12:01 pm
Tymoshenko repeats: Ukraine, Russia should have no gas intermediaries in new agreement
Jan. 9, 2009,
8:07 am
Gaza death toll of 765 includes Ukrainian mother, baby; nearly 100 Ukrainians evacuated
Jan. 7, 2009,
4:57 pm
European Union: Ukraine, Russia accept international monitors for gas transit
Dec. 30, 2008,
5:59 pm
Government says Naftogaz can pay $2 billion Russian gas debt with loans from state banks
Dec. 30, 2008,
4:06 pm
Medvedev hopes for better ties with Ukraine, United States in 2009
Dec. 30, 2008,
10:54 am
Soros blamed for demise of Ukrainian hryvnia
Dec. 29, 2008,
12:05 pm
Three suspects arrested in Yevpatoria house blast as hopes fade for finding more survivors
Dec. 28, 2008,
6:52 pm
UNIAN news agency: Ukrainian MPs arrive in Moscow for talks on gas debt
Dec. 27, 2008,
12:37 pm
Ukraine’s trade gap widens
Dec. 27, 2008,
12:27 pm
Gazprom warns dispute with Ukraine could threaten European deliveries
Nov. 11, 2008,
6:27 pm
Vote to dismiss Yatsenyuk as Speaker fails
Oct. 27, 2008,
4:40 pm
Kyivmiskbud to build a new residential area in Kyiv’s Osokorki
Oct. 27, 2008,
11:38 am
Ukraine ranks 68 in prosperity
Oct. 21, 2008,
1:32 pm
SBU Digital Archives Center opens in Kyiv
Oct. 20, 2008,
11:33 am
Mayor says drivers will have to pay to get into the city center
Oct. 10, 2008,
12:24 pm
Alleged Elita fraudster extradited to Ukraine
Oct. 5, 2008,
1:24 pm
Yatsenyuk: Rada coalition by Yushchenko’s deadline doubtful
Sept. 23, 2008,
7:53 am
Yuschenko calls on cabinet and local authorities to start heating season before Oct. 15
Sept. 21, 2008,
5:40 pm
Yushchenko accuses Tymoshenko of betraying Ukraine’s national interests
Sept. 21, 2008,
5:33 pm
Tymoshenko denies treason charge; believes Yushchenko is “destroying his own country”
Sept. 18, 2008,
8:37 pm
Ukraine PM mocks president’s poisoning
Sept. 18, 2008,
8:26 pm
Rice says “bullying” Russia must be stopped
Sept. 18, 2008,
8:22 pm
Belarus president urges West to accept election
Sept. 18, 2008,
8:17 pm
Ukraine president blasts rival PM over army
Sept. 17, 2008,
10:46 am
Yatsenyuk resigns as Speaker
Sept. 17, 2008,
10:04 am
Kyiv funicular to close for a month
Sept. 17, 2008,
8:35 am
Russian forces kill 10 militants in Dagestan
Sept. 17, 2008,
8:16 am
Central banks strain to contain market crisis
Sept. 16, 2008,
7:39 pm
Georgia: Intercepted calls prove self-defense
Sept. 16, 2008,
10:34 am
Ukraine “Orange” coalition dissolved
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