You're reading: 25th Charity Bazaar December 2nd, 2017

NSC «Olimpiyskiy» St. Velyka Vasylkivska 55; From 10.00 to 17.00

For 25 years international community have been always meeting the first Saturday of December at the IWCK Charity Bazaar in order to support charity in Kyiv and Kyiv region. Come on Saturday Dec. 5 to IWCK Charity Bazaar and join the Christmas atmosphere together with us!

All money from sales go to charity!

43 embassies selling their national food and souvenirs. Rich culture program (Traditional dance and songs from Indonesia, Poland, Uzbekistand, Egypt, Bulgaria, Georgia, Czech Republic, Argentinian tango, Latvian dance group Kastani, Turkish music and dances, last but not least Christmas Carols to bring the holiday atmosphere to the Bazaar)Kids Corner: come and meet fascinating Enchantimals characters, play various musical instruments with talented musicians, discover amazing robotics from Boteon, create interesting Christmas crafts, partcipate in First aid workshop, or just dance for fun with IWCK Disco Queen!

Valuable prizes to win at the Grand Raffle as i.e. airline tickets, hotel vouchers or goodie baskets prepared by the Embassies.