You're reading: A corruptionist ran among the participants of the Kyiv Half Marathon

A man in an expensive classic suit was hiding out in the center of Kyiv and ran out in the middle of one of the sections of the 8th Nova Poshta Kyiv Half Marathon, which took place in the capital on April 22. Hundreds of dollars fell out of the pockets of his jacket. Other participants of the race were surprised by such an unusual marathon runner, made photos and tried to guess who he was and where he comes from (some people entertained the idea he hails from Mezhyhiria), and some tried to catch up with him.

The corruptionist’s back held an inscription “Corruption park. Coming soon”. Turned out, this was an announcement of the launch of the first Corruption Park in Ukraine, which will open early summer at the National Botanical Garden named after N.N. Grishko.

The “Running Corruptionist” performance was designed to attract public attention to the problem of corruption, which will become the leading theme of the interactive park. By interacting with augmented and virtual reality, 3D and video mappings, guests of the park will learn about the history of corruption, the main corruption schemes and how Ukrainians can influence this phenomenon.

Корупціонер біжить київським півмарафоном

Корупціонер біг серед учасників київського півмарафону. Так ми анонсували старт першого в Україні інтерактивного Парку корупції #парккорупції

Publiée par Парк корупції sur Lundi 23 avril 2018