on the call for bids on SALE OF THE RIGHT OF CLAIM to the Ukrainian company – member of integrated agro-industrial conglomerate specialized in the production of sunflower oil.
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., identification No 649 48 242, address: Praha 4 – Michle, Želetavská 1525/1, PSČ 14092, Czech Republic, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, file 3608, (hereinafter – the «Bank»), does hereby invite interested parties to participate in the call for bids on sale of the right of claim of the Bank to a member of integrated agro-industrial conglomerate specialized in the production of sunflower oil (“Debtor”) amounting to more than 260 mln UAH.
The Debtor is in the insolvency procedure. The claim to the Debtor has been duly filed, and has been recognized by the Debtor and by the insolvency trustee.
The right of claim is connected to the funding of purchase of technological equipment for an elevator. The right of claim is secured, among others, by pledge of technological equipment of the elevator and by mortgage of the elevator (mortgagor being a third party).
The call for bids shall be regulated by the law of the Czech Republic.
The deadline for the submission of bids: 12 December 2016 at 16:00 o’clock Central European Time.
For more detailed information of the procedure of the call for bids, conditions of familiarization with documents, terms and conditions of participation please contact “Peterka & Partners” law firm, contact person – Taras Utiralov (tel.: +380 44 581 11 20, e-mail: utiralov@peterkapartners.uа).