You're reading: Vinnytska Oblast residents welcome construction of MHP biogas complex

Public hearings were held in the village of Belousivka in Vinnytska Oblast on Aug. 2 on the construction of the second stage of the biogas complex at the Vinnitsa Poultry Factory, which is part of the MHP Group. Representatives of the state, MHP agroindustrial holding, non-governmental organizations and local residents attended the hearings.

The hearings’ agenda consisted of a presentation of the project a, public discussion with the engagement of all sides,
and a vote by local residents.

First, MHP representatives presented the concept for the complex, as well as a report on its environmental impact. Companies are obliged to conduct such studies according to Ukrainian legislation (under the Law of Ukraine “On the assessment of environmental impact”). Victoria Tymoshenko, a representative of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, said that the environmental conditions for the construction of the complex would be determined after her ministry analyzes the report.

Public hearings on the construction will continue until Aug. 7,” Tymoshenko added.

Such public hearings are a regular procedure in the process of expanding a business, building new production capacities, and so on. Before deciding on the possible construction of each facility, MHP thoroughly analyzes and studies the current situation, and the potential impact of its activities on the environment and on the public. For this purpose, the holding prepares a preliminary construction project and carries out an assessment of its environmental impact. During the assessment, in addition to general production data, the following points also researched and described:

• the socio-economic impact of the planned activity,
• its impact on the area’s historical and cultural heritage,
• its impact on natural resources, including air, soil, underground and surface water resources, and the region’s flora and fauna,
• the methods of consulting and communicating with the local community during all stages of project

The same procedure was used last year, when at similar hearings, local community members agreed to the first stage of construction of the biogas complex on the territory of the village of Vasilievka in Tulchinsky district, Vinnytska Oblast.

This time, Ivan Traksler, the head of the company MHP Eco Energy, presented the international experience of the operation of biogas complexes that utilize organic waste, in particular, chicken manure. These institutions had been successfully operating in Europe for more than 20 years, demonstrating high efficiency and effectiveness.

“This technology was been successfully developed by our company in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, where 100 percent of the manure is utilized. There is no smell; the chicken manure enters the biogas plant directly without additional storage and shipment. When designing the biogas complex for Vinnitsa Poultry Factory, we envisaged independent transportation from production to the complex. This means that it will be transported on separate roads avoiding populated areas. As a result of recycling, we will generate electricity, thereby strengthening the region with an additional stable source of energy, as well as organic fertilizers that will be used in our own fields, allowing us to replace mineral fertilizers,” he said.

According to Traksler, the site will process 460 tons of  waste, 70 tons of silage, and 160 tons of sludge and water from poultry houses and a slaughterhouse on a daily basis. The complex will produce 10,000 kWh of electricity per hour and 300 tons of solid organic fertilizers.

There are also some opportunities in the area of employment, as the new facility will create 30 jobs for local residents.

Anna Danilyak, the representative of the non-governmental organization “Ecodia” drew attention to the fact that the biogas complex belongs to objects of increased environmental danger, therefore, it’s important that the construction and all concomitant processes are conducted in accordance with all according laws and rules.

“There are some risks. It is a complex technological process, which has no analogues in Europe in terms of capacity. Therefore, it is important to analyze everything carefully and scrupulously,” she said.

The residents of Bilousivka and the surrounding villages also had the opportunity to give their views on the proposed construction of the biogas complex. They were mostly positive about this opportunity. Lyubov Maksimchuk from Bilousivka noted that the Vinnitsa Poultry Factory provides work to locals and fulfills a broad range of social obligations. She said that there is no problem with poultry manure recycling.

“The manure, which is cleaned out of the poultry houses once a month or 35 days, is taken by MHP to their fields and is covered with a large layer of straw. It does not bother anyone. It is only dispersed when plowing is in progress,” Lyubov Maksimchuk added.

Following the discussion, the residents voted to adopt the draft detailed plan for the site.

Members of the public attend an event to discuss plans to build a biogas plant in the village of Belosivska in Vinnytska Oblast on Aug. 2