You're reading: Tax amnesty – What’s it and why does Ukraine need it

The pre-election year obliges the government not only to improve the social standards but also to offer various bonuses for business. The president has created a tradition to sign laws on improving the business climate directly during the business meetings. Recently, the head of state was literally spouting with ideas of an introduction of a tax on the withdrawn capital, the tax police reform, a tax amnesty.

It is a kind of invitation for business to say “for” or “against” (amnesty can be held for private individuals, but in this case, it is about the business). Several bills on the tax amnesty are now registered in the Rada, and attempts to create a regulatory framework for them were taken in 2014, 2015, and 2017. One draft law was not let by the profile committee, and two were withdrawn by the authors. But now the Rada Committee on Tax and Customs Policy issues a working on a law on holding a one-time declaration.

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