You're reading: Co-owner of SkyUp Airlines reports claims to execute decision of Baryshivka court

A shareholder in Ukraine’s SkyUp Airlines (Kyiv), Oleksandr Alba, has said that pressure on the airline regarding the non-execution of a decision of the Baryshivka district court about the suspension of its operations earlier declared groundless by the airline continues.

“Today we received a copy of the application of the same Oksana Pasenko filed to the State Bureau of Investigations, the Prosecutor’s Office and the National Police regarding SkyUp committing a criminal offense – failure to execute the decision of the Baryshivka Court! It is seriously. The person, who admitted that she was not a client of our airline and did not file a lawsuit with the Baryshivka court in the TV program Schemes: Corruption in Details, now demands to execute the decision on this lawsuit! Is there any limit to this madness?” Alba wrote on his Facebook page on July 2 evening.

He also said that the appeal of the airline against the “absurd decision” of the Baryshivka court has not yet been heard.

According to Alba, in the photo of the statement from the plaintiff – a new version of the signature, which does not coincide with the previous one, which was on the lawsuit.

Infrastructure Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan also commented on the situation.

“Yesterday, the European Business Association has already announced that investors took a pause due to political turbulence and uncertainty. Show must go on?!” the minister said.

He also appealed to President Volodymyr Zelensky, with a reminder that “silence and lack of reaction to a crime is connivance of the crime and complicity in it.”