You're reading: NABU: NCER creates obstacles in investigating Rotterdam+ case

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) has said that Ukraine’s National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation (NCER) created obstacles in investigating a case on the approval of a new rule for forming the reference wholesale market price for electricity in 2016.

“NABU detectives face many obstacles, including created by the NCER. The latter is hiding some documents, determining elements of the reference calculation of the wholesale market price of electricity,” NABU said.

As reported, NABU conducted the commission on Feb. 14. NCER said that the commission was complying with all legal requirements of investigators, provided all documents and all comments on the case being investigated.

As reported, at the end of April 2016, NCER began applying a new rule for forming a reference wholesale market price for electricity. The rule, in particular, involves determining the price of coal according to the formula “the cost at the port of Rotterdam (API2) plus the cost of delivery to Ukraine.”

The Rotterdam + formula will be terminated from July 2019 due to the transition to a new electricity market.