You're reading: Tax debt reduced by Hr 9.8 billion since start of 2018

Tax debt since early 2018 has decreased by Hr 9.8 billion, to Hr 81.6 billion, according to the website of the State Fiscal Service.

“If at the beginning of 2018 the tax debt was Hr 91.4 billion, then as of August 1 of this year, the sum of the debt without taking into account the newly formed one should be reduced to Hr 81.6 billion,” the press service said citing director of the debt repayment department Serhiy Yanchuk.

According to him, the debt was reduced due to the receipt of funds in the amount of Hr 4.9 billion and bad debt write-off, in particular under the decision of courts and other legal grounds for Hr 1.5 billion.

According to the service, as of August 1 this year, the debtors after precautionary measures for recovery independently paid Hr 2.6 billion, the debtors who are in the process of bankruptcy almost Hr 2.1 billion.

The service recovered Hr 118.4 million from bank accounts. Proceeds from the sale of collateral amounted to Hr 60.8 million, at the expense of funds and property of the agencies for management of state and municipal enterprises some Hr 66.4 million, from withdrawing cash some Hr 2.2 million.