You're reading: Ukraine boosts cheese exports, imports

Ukraine in January exported 455 tonnes of cheese, which was 23.5 percent up on January 2018.

According to customs statistics released by Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service (SFS), cheese exports in monetary terms amounted to $1.5 million, which was 20 percent higher than the figure for the first month of 2018.

At the same time, imports of cheese in January totaled 1,180 tonnes, which was 35.7 percent more than in January last year. The imports in monetary terms increased by 30 percent, to $5.6 million.

Exports of Ukrainian creamery butter in January 2019 decreased by 28.5 percent, to 1,750 tonnes. The exports in monetary terms decreased by 37 percent, to $7.1 million. Imports of creamery butter, according to the SFS, decreased by 21 percent, to 90 tonnes ($585,000).

In January 2019, exports of condensed milk and cream decreased by 9 percent, to 2,150 tonnes. Ukraine supplied condensed milk and cream to the tune of $3.67 million, which was 3 percent less than in January 2018. Their imports decreased by 21 percent, to 167 tonnes ($325,000).

As was reported, Ukraine in 2018 imported 13,720 tonnes of cheese (37.1 percent up from 2017) and exported 8,340 tonnes of cheese (7.8 percent down from 2017).

Last year, exports of butter remained at the level of 2017, imports increased slightly, to 1,100 tonnes.

Exports of condensed milk and cream totaled 35,550 tonnes (24.1 percent down from 2017), imports were 2,360 tonnes (38.6 percent up from 2017).