You're reading: Ukraine central bank returns Hr 2.6 billion of refinancing loans to insolvent banks

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) in 2018 returned Hr 2.6 billion of debt on refinancing loans to insolvent banks, which is Hr 500 million more than in 2017.

According to the website of the NBU, it received Hr 1.238 billion from the sale of property rights, Hr 681.6 million from the sale of real estate.

Other sources of repayment of debts on refinancing loans to insolvent banks were funds from the repayment of government domestic loan bonds in the amount of Hr 434.8 million, the NBU’s getting into ownership the immovable property of the banks’ guarantors in the amount of Hr 132.3 million, obtaining funds from repayment of debts on loan agreements pledged at the NBU in the amount of Hr 154.4 million. The property rights pledged at the NBU by Delta Bank were sold for the highest price of Hr 308 million in 2018.

“In 2018, the volume of approval by the NBU of initial prices for the sale of property rights on mortgaged loan agreements more than doubled, to Hr 100.5 billion, compared to 2017 (Hr 45 billion). This is due to the introduction of portfolio coordination of assets sales, as well as with the simplification of the procedure for determining the initial sale price of assets, which corresponds to the sum of the total debt under loan agreements,” the report says.