You're reading: Ukrainian top Naftogaz official tests positive for coronavirus, stays on self-isolation

As more cases of coronavirus infection detected from day to day in Ukraine reaching overall 26 so far, well-known businessmen and top managers are at the same risk to get a COVID-19 disease, which already killed more than 10,500 people globally.

Recently, Andriy Favorov, who heads Ukraine’s largest gas producer UkrGasVydobuvannya (part of the state energy company Naftogaz), was tested positive for COVID-19.

It was reported by Favorov’s father Mykhailo during his Skype interview on March 20 for Echo of Moscow, Russian 24/7 radio station.

Currently, Favorov feels well as Wuhan coronavirus infection showed only mild symptoms.

“I am on self-isolation sitting at home, I don’t go anywhere and minimized all contacts,” said Favorov in his video posted on Facebook on March 20. “I feel great, but I’m bored.”

According to Favorov’s father, who lives in the U.S. city of Atlanta and epidemiologist by profession, his son got symptoms, common for this infection, fever and dry barking cough, after heading back from the U.S. to Ukraine last week.

“On Monday (March 16) he did the analysis and got a positive result. And on Tuesday his wife felt sick too,” he said during his Skype interview on March 20 for the Echo of Moscow, Russian 24/7 radio station.

He assumed that his son got the infection during the flight, but it’s very difficult to tell exactly in which airplane or airport it exactly happened.

As of today, Favorov’s father said that both his son and wife already don’t have any symptoms. “They are gradually recovering. This is a typical manifestation of this virus.”

According to Favorov’s wife Anastasiya Magonova, founder of Magonova&Partners PR company, currently tests for COVID-19 showing negative results. “Andrey is responsible for his health and safety of others,” Magonova told the Kyiv Post.

But Andriy Favorov still plans to stay at home for one week wishing people “not getting sick” and “to take care of your loved ones.”



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