You're reading: Ukrgazvydobuvannya tops list of largest taxpayers in 2018

PJSC Ukrgazvydobuvannya has headed the list of the largest taxpayers in Ukraine, reducing the rate of taxes paid to the consolidated budget from Hr 50.4 billion in 2017 to Hr 41.3 billion in 2018, the office of the largest taxpayers has reported on the website.

The top five taxpayers also included Naftogaz, which more than doubled tax payment from Hr 11.5 billion in 2017 to Hr 28.1 billion last year, Tobacco Company B.A.T.-Pryluky with Hr 16.1 billion (Hr 14.1 billion in 2017), PJSC Ukrnafta with Hr 15.5 billion (Hr 10.4 billion), as well as Philip Morris Ukraine with Hr 14.8 billion (Hr 13.5 billion).

The second five largest taxpayers include JT International Ukraine tobacco producer with Hr 9.7 billion (Hr 9.5 billion), Ukrtatnafta with Hr 9.1 billion (Hr 8.7 billion), PrJSC Imperial Tobacco Production Ukraine with Hr 7.4 billion (Hr 7.5 billion), Ukrtransgaz with Hr 6.6 billion (Hr 7.8 billion), and Energomarket with Hr 6.5 billion (Hr 7.2 billion).