Fact-checking 2019 presidential campaign

Anatoliy Grytsenko
Presidential candidate (Civil Position Party)

On Ukroboronprom

We must strip Ukroboronprom of the function of forming military-technical policies and transfer this function to a public body. There is no such thing right now.”

Source: ICTV channel (March 3, 2019)

Ukroboronprom doesn't do it.

Ukroboronprom does not define the principles of Ukraine’s military-technical policy, according to its statute and Ukrainian legislation. It is a state-owned defense company. On March 6, the National Security and Defense Council instructed the government to consider setting up an authority responsible for the country’s military-technical policy as there is currently no such body.
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Volodymyr Zelenskiy
Presidential candidate, actor

On economics and EU

“According to the World Bank estimates, in order to catch up (with Europe) economically, we will need some 100 years. And this is only if the European Union will suddenly stop and wait for us.”

Source: YouTube channel “Ze!President” (Feb. 23, 2019)


As of 2017, Germany had the largest GDP in the European Union. Its GDP per capita amounted to 44,470 euros. The World Bank forecasts Ukraine will boost its economic growth to 4.5 percent in 2021. Given such growth, one can expect that the Ukrainian economy would match Germany’s present GDP in 64 years, not 100.
Oleksandr Shevchenko
Independent lawmaker, presidential candidate

On Romania:

“So let’s take Romania for example. They elected a prosecutor general, a (young) woman, and she teamed up with the FBI. And after that, many corrupt officials ‘were packed’ onto the planes to the United States where they received life sentences with confiscation. Over the past few years, Romania has increased its budget substantially, perhaps 10 times. Their salaries also increased three to four times. The average salary of a Romanian nowadays is 700-900 euros a month.”

Source: TV channel Avers in Lutsk (March 7, 2019)

Mostly incorrect.

The statement about average salaries is true. The rest is false and there is no proof of Romanian cooperation with the FBI. Laura Codruta Kovesi became the Prosecutor General of Romania in 2006, when she was 33. From 2013 to 2018, she headed the National Anti-Corruption Directorate. Over the past five years, the agency has been investigating thousands of anti-corruption proceedings, but there is no evidence of Romanian corrupt officials “to be taken to America” and “given a life sentence with confiscation”. Romania’s budget has indeed increased in recent years, but not “perhaps ten times.” According to the World Bank website, in 2013 the Gross Domestic Product of Romania was at $191 billion. Eurostat has estimated that the state budget revenues in 2013 amounted to 33.3 percent of the country’s GDP which was $63.6 billion, and expenses were at 35.5 percent ($67.8 billion). In 2017, the country’s GDP has grown to almost $212 billion. Budget revenues amounted to $65 billion dollars, expenses were at $71 billion. At the time Kovesi started working at the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in May 2013, the average salary in Romania was 2,226 Romanian lei (about 510 euros gross). At the moment, it has roughly doubled to 4,938 lei (about 1,040 euros), but not in “three or four times.”
Yuriy Boyko
Presidential candidate (Opposition Platform - Za Zhyttya)

On cost of gas production

“The cost of (producing) gas today is Hr 2,500 with all taxes, profits, investments.”

Source: Campaign event in Dnipro (Feb. 20, 2019)

It's almost three times higher.

Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolyev said on Jan. 18 that the production cost of a 1,000 cubic meters of gas is approximately $250 (about Hr 6,550). 
Anatoliy Grytsenko
Presidential candidate (Civil Position Party)

On growing corruption

“If you have been in power for five years and corruption is now on a larger scale than it was under bandit (Viktor) Yanukovych, then people need an explanation.”

Source: TV channel Nash (Feb. 14, 2019)

Corruption wasn't defeated, but didn't grow either.

In Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International in 2013, the last year for Viktor Yanukovych's presidency, Ukraine scored 25 points of 100 and was ranked 144th among 175 countries and territories. In 2018, Ukraine earned 32 points and placed 120th among 180 countries and territories.
Petro Poroshenko
President of Ukraine, presidential candidate

On gas consumption

“In 2017, Ukraine consumed 14 billion cubic meters (of gas) instead of 52 billion. In 2018 – 10.5 billion cubic meters.”

Source: Public talk in Kalush in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Feb. 18, 2019)

His numbers are off.

In 2017, Ukraine used a total of 31.9 billion cubic meters of natural gas, according to Naftogaz. Ukrainians consumed 15.8 billion cubic meters out of these (directly or in form of heating). In 2018, total gas consumption increased to 32.3 billion cubic meters. At the same time, gas consumption by the population declined and was at 15.4 billion cubic meters. The 52 billion cubic meters of gas that Poroshenko mentions is the gas Ukraine was obliged to import annually from Russia in accordance with the 2009 contract.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy
Presidential candidate, actor

On gas production

“Why don’t we develop our own gas production? …You understand that old deposits are about to run out, and new ones need investment.”

Source: YouTube channel “Ze!President” (Feb. 21, 2019)

Not exactly right.

Gas production has been slowly growing since 2016. In 2015, it was at 19.9 billion cubic meters, Naftogaz reported. In 2018 it stood at 21 billion cubic meters.
Yulia Tymoshenko
lawmaker, presidential candidate (Batkivshchyna)

On living standards in Ukraine and Africa

“And for the first time in Ukraine’s history we ended up among the 10 poorest countries in the world. In five years, we have fallen to be among the 10 poorest countries. There were times when we could say: ‘Yes, we are poor, but we are still ahead of all the African countries’? Today we are so poor that most of Africa is in front of us. They live wealthier than we do. And what’s more important is that in Europe, on the European continent, we have also landed on the last place by people’s prosperity level.”

Source: public talk in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Feb. 13, 2019)


It is unclear which external observers Tymoshenko refers to in her speech. For a correct comparison of the living standards, it is worth ranking countries when their Gross Domestic Product is adjusted by purchasing power parity per person (PPP). By GDP (PPP) Ukraine is ranked 116th in 2017, ahead of 73 countries, including one European country - Moldova. At the same time, Ukraine was behind 10 African countries - Equatorial Guinea, Libya, South Africa, Gabon, Lebanon, Botswana, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Namibia, and ahead of 44 other African nations.
Oleh Lyashko
Lawmaker, presidential candidate (Radical Party)

On Radical Party faction in Kherson

“I dissolved the Radical Party faction in the Kherson Regional Council for not backing the vote for the resignation of (Vladyslav) Manger, the chairman of the Kherson Regional Council suspected of ordering the murder of Kateryna Gandziuk.”

Source: Official Facebook page (Feb. 11, 2019)

He didn't.

The Radical Party faction in the Kherson Regional Council still exists. When contacting the faction, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty was informed there were no official decrees issued to dissolve this faction.
Oleksandr Vilkul
lawmaker, presidential candidate (Opposition Bloc)

On corruption

“Corruption in our country is terrible. It has been always there, but never as terrible as now and at all levels.”

Source: YouTube channel KapitalTV (Feb. 13, 2019)

Not correct

In Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International in 2013, Ukraine scored 25 points of 100 and was ranked 144th among 175 countries and territories. In 2018, Ukraine earned 32 points and placed 120th among 180 countries and territories.
Yevgeniy Murayev
lawmaker, presidential candidate (Nashi)

On referendums

“Switzerland holds at least 600 referendums per year.”

Source: YouTube channel Klymenko Time (Feb. 13, 2019)

Not even close.

Switzerland doesn’t hold as many referendums. Since 2011, there have been a total of 73 referendums (roughly nine per year), according to the Federal Council website.
Oleksandr Shevchenko
independent lawmaker, presidential candidate

On migration

“…to bring ‘children of Ukraine’ home. I’m talking about migrants, our diaspora. The Catholic church is well aware of such things and by estimates there are around 20 million Ukrainians living abroad.”

Source: TV show Political Talk on Poltava TV channel Misto+ (Feb. 12, 2019)


As of 2017, there were 5.9 million migrants from Ukraine, according to United Nations estimates. The UN counts as emigrants all people born in a particular country who no longer live there. For example, in Russia after the collapse of the USSR there were three million Ukrainians. The International Organization for Migration in 2016 reported somewhat higher figures. They estimated that there are about 8.2 million people of Ukrainian descent living outside Ukraine, citing foreign censuses.
Anatoliy Grytsenko
Presidential candidate (Civil Position Party)

On Naftogaz

“In recent years, Naftogaz received tens of billions of hryvnias at excessive tariffs, but did not increase its own gas production.”

Source: Pravo na Vladu show on 1+1 TV channel (Jan. 31, 2019)

Gas production did increase, though not substantially.

Natural gas production in Ukraine has been increasing since 2016. In 2015, it was at 19.9 billion cubic meters, Naftogaz reported. In 2016, this number increased by 200 million cubic meters, and in 2017 - by 450 million more. 
Yuriy Boyko
lawmaker, presidential candidate (Opposition Platform - Za Zhyttya

On doctors leaving Ukraine

“In the past three years, about 70,000 doctors have left the country.”

Source: Talking to press in Sumy Oblast (Jan. 31, 2019)


There are no official statistics on the labor migration of medical workers abroad. The State Statistics Service estimated that the number of physicians of all specialties remained practically at the same level during 2014-2017 (186,000 people). During this period, however, the number of nurses, medical assistants and midwives decreased by 19,000.
Andriy Sadovyi
Mayor of Lviv, presidential candidate

On GDP and poverty

“Today we are at 130th place among the nations in terms of GDP and scored the same in terms of poverty – also 130th place.”

Source: Public talk in Rivne (Feb. 4, 2019)

Not true.

In fact, the World Bank ranked Ukraine the 60th among the nations with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) worth $112 billion in 2017. For correct comparison, it is worth ranking countries when their GDP is adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP) per person. By GDP (PPP) Ukraine is ranked 116th, ahead of 73 countries.
Yulia Tymoshenko
lawmaker, presidential candidate (Batkivshchyna)

On number of voters

“In addition, they have increased the number of voters in the State Registry of Voters by one million people – and that was done in secrecy and without the presidential candidates’ consent. This is done during the time of mass migration from Ukraine and when the country’s mortality rate exceeds the birth rate almost twice.”

Source: Parliament’s conciliatory council (Feb. 4, 2019)


For the 2014 presidential election, almost 34.7 million ballots were produced. As of Dec. 31, some 35.6 million voters are listed in the State Registry of Voters. But this is not the final count, according to Oleksandr Stelmakh, the head of the State Registry of Voters, as the number includes a million of voters who are no longer registered and some 4.6 million of people who reside on the territories that are not controlled by Ukraine. At the same time, mortality does exceed birth rates in Ukraine. According to the State Statistics Service, in January-November 2018, the number of deaths in Ukraine reached 535,104 when the number of newborns was 1,7 times lower - standing at 312,603.
Petro Poroshenko
President of Ukraine

On Ease of Doing Business ranking

“In 2012-2013, Ukraine ranked 153rd in the Doing Business ranking (by the World Bank), right next to Somalia… And in these four years, just imagine, Ukraine made it to the 71st place. This is not my words, neither Ukrainian economists’. It is the world’s most prestigious World Bank ranking. Other countries are also developing and improving their positions. But we are in the 71st place. The greatest progress any country has demonstrated in such a period of time.”

Source: Svoboda Slova show on ICTV channel

Only partly true.

Ukraine indeed ranks 71st in the 2019 Ease of Doing Business ranking. In 2012 report, the country was placed 152nd. Ukraine managed to strengthen its position and climb 81 places in not four but seven years. The bigger gain, however, was for Russia and Uzbekistan, which climbed 89 and 90 points respectively.   Between 2007 and 2014, Rwanda successfully improved its rating and jumped 126 positions up in the ranking. The swiftest progress was made by Georgia, from 100th place in 2006 to 37th in 2007. In the 2013 report, it was among the top 10 countries. Somalia was first included in the ranking in 2017 and is currently ranked 190th among 190 economies in the Ease of Doing Business, according to the latest World Bank annual rankings.
Yevgeniy Murayev
lawmaker, presidential candidate (Nashi)

On neutral status for Ukraine

“Earlier the choice was between Europe and Russia, but today about 40 percent of our citizens believe that Ukraine has to be a non-aligned and neutral country.”

Source: Deutsche Welle on Jan. 24, 2019

Not true; likely citing a dubious survey.

Murayev was probably referring to the research by the Rating Group commissioned by the International Republican Institute. According to the research, 43 percent of respondents agree with the statement that “Ukraine has to abandon integration with the European Union and the Customs Union along with Russia.”  At the same time, 58 percent supported integration into the EU and 20 percent agreed that Ukraine needed to integrate with the Customs Union. So a part of the respondents chose two variants simultaneously, although they are contradictory. One would be more correct to consider the polls where only one response is possible. They showed a lower number of people who want a neutral status for Ukraine. In the poll conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, 24.1 percent of the respondents said a non-aligned status would be best way for ensuring Ukraine’s security. And in the poll by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 30.1 percent of the respondents said that Ukraine should join neither the EU, nor the Customs Union.