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May 24 2006, 9:07 pm
Discover two Odessa’s best restaurants
In keeping with our feature on Odessa, I’ve crisscrossed the city and interviewed dozens of locals (okay, three, actually – but they really knew what …
Jesse Schwartz
May 17 2006, 11:15 pm
Fine dining with a view of Concord
Dining at Concord was to have a three-fold function: 1. As I was leaving for Odessa for a month, , this would be my last meal in the capital for a …
Jesse Schwartz
May 10 2006, 8:29 pm
Delicious sushi found at Nobu
Okay, let’s get this out of the way now: Nobu is overpriced. It just is. A single piece of yellowtail will run you almost $5 and a six-piece …
Jesse Schwartz
May 3 2006, 11:10 pm
Chinese restaurant Victory finally reopened; coffee-themed Mokko offers decent food
All of us on the Post editorial team used to love this place (everyone knew what was meant by “at Chinese.”) First of all, it was conveniently …
Alexandra Matoshko
April 19 2006, 11:05 pm
Dali adds Spanish flavor to Kyiv’s restaurant scene; hearty portions at Hungarian House
Kyiv is not known for its Spanish food. While we certainly have the world’s best varenyks and borsht, and we even have very serviceable continental …
Jesse Schwartz
April 5 2006, 11:47 pm
Great kosher in Podil for Passover; solid Indian restaurant hidden away
I’d like to know how the real estate agents sold the location of Taj, a lovely little Indian restaurant sequestered on one o the quietest streets …
Jesse Schwartz
March 22 2006, 11:30 pm
Beat the bland!
After two weeks now of the Orthodox Lent, or “Velyky Post” as our Ukrainian countrymen call it, you’re no doubt in need of some creative dishes that …
Alexandra Matoshko
March 16 2006, 1:03 am
Red-hot Chinese cuisine; classy new fusion spot Truffle
I must first confess to you, dear reader: the word “fusion” rankles me. When applied to cuisine as liberally as it has been over the past fifteen …
Jesse Schwartz
March 8 2006, 12:36 pm
Piquant Georgian shashlyk; heavy Hutsul fare.
Perhaps the only benefit of having been conquered and reconquered again by so many of the world’s most powerful empires is the lasting impression it …
Jesse Schwartz
Feb. 16 2006, 1:56 am
The TUCC takes a closer look at Mille Miglia
As part of a new approach to reviewing fine dining in Ukraine, the Kyiv Post has joined with The Ukrainian Connoisseeur Club (TUCC) in an attempt to …
Paul Miazga
Jan. 25 2006, 10:48 pm
Check out seafood dining options in the capital
Seafood lovers have in the past had to suffer in the nation’s capital. Despite the fact that Ukraine borders two seas and can boast hundreds upon …
Paul Miazga
Jan. 19 2006, 12:01 am
Rents, other factors, affect ex-pat restaurateurs
In Kyiv, where the real estate market continues to boom and systemic corruption means rental agreements are often only as good as the paper they’re …
Paul Miazga
Jan. 18 2006, 10:58 pm
Himalaya reopens; Pleasure Cafe starts up
Word gets around quickly when places beloved by ex-pats close. It gets around even quicker when they reopen. It wasn’t long ago that the owners of …
Paul Miazga
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