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Learn about all things in English to be found in Kyiv

When foreigners visited Kyiv some ten years ago, language was the main problem in adapting to the local environment. The situation is now somewhat different. Although not everyone can freely chat with you in English, the majority of citizens can understand you and will try to help you in any way possible. Restaurants, bars, cafes, and hotels are developing Western service standards and the city boasts a growing number of high-end stops for tourists. In addition, as more and more foreigners decide to try the expatriate life in Ukraine, the number of organizations providing service in English or services intended solely for ex-pats, like schools and community groups, is constantly on the rise.

Study the language

The first thing that stuns many newcomers to Ukraine is the language, or more accurately languages, since both Ukrainian and Russian are widely spoken. Practically everything is written in Ukrainian, but its possible to get mixed up while communicating with the locals – you can receive responses in both languages that have similarities, yet many confusing differences as well. If you decide to learn either Ukrainian or Russian, you can choose from a number of language centers, including Tsentr Razvitiya Yazikov (Center for Language Development), center Uspekh (Success), Epoch of International Education, and ECHO Eastern Europe language school that offer special programs for foreign learners. If you don’t have the time or effort to learn the local languages but would prefer to improve your English, the native English speaking teachers at the British Council would be happy to assist you. In fact, the British Council Teaching Center was chosen by Kyiv Post readers as the best language school this year.

Back to school

After moving to Ukraine, you won’t have to worry about the quality of your children’s studies, as there are several acclaimed English schools to take care of their education. The Kyiv International School provides pre-school (from two years of age), elementary, and secondary educational programs for a large range of disciplines, including English, Ukrainian, Russian, Hindi, and French language studies. The school’s secondary program diploma is recognized by higher educational institutions in the US.

Pechersk School International Kyiv serves children from three years of age through Grade 12. The school claims to provide high-level education that helps its graduates enter prestigious British and American universities.

In case you want to enrol your child into a religious school, the Christian Academy fills that niche. Both local and expat students receive theological education in English and are expected to take an active role in local church activities, like work in children camps or lectures at seminars.

If your child is younger and doesn’t attend school yet, you will probably need to find a good private kindergarten, since state kindergartens are surely not an option. The groups at Umka, Zerniatko, Plekannia, Prestige, and Harmony have small groups of three to seven year olds that are taught the basics of reading, mathematics, foreign languages, and arts. The programs are designed to prepare kids for future school studies.

Tsentr Razvitiya Yazikov (10B Horkoho, 289-5027)

Uspekh (37 Rustaveli, 486-1705)

Epoch of International Education (7B Lva Tolstoho, office No. 16, 284-3459)

ECHO Eastern Europe (6/1 Bohatyrska, office No. 235, 464-0129)

British Council Teaching School (4/12 Skovorody, 490-5601)

Kyiv International School (3A Svyatoshinskiy Provuluk, 452-2792 / 93,

Pechersk School International Kyiv (7A Viktor Zabily, 455-9585,

Kiev Christian Academy (3A Tolstoho, 562-1394)

Umka (20 Mykoly Kravchenko, 599-6597)

Zerniatko (5 Veresneva, 570-9125)

Plekannia (24V Verbytskoho)

Prestige (13B Vyhurovskiy Bulvar)

Harmony (21A Hryhorenko)

Caring for your health

One of the most sensitive aspects while living abroad is making sure there is a clinic where you can come with your health problems, be understood, and helped by the personnel. The most popular medical center among ex-pats is the American Medical Center. The center provides specific services for families, women, and children, as well as emergency, diagnostic, laboratory services and special medical programs, like pre-adoption, pre-employment or pre-travel exams. The staff is half Ukrainian and half foreign, so you’ll have no communication problems. Another option for your medical needs is the Borys Private Health Clinic, which claims to offer high-standard health services. If you are you’re looking for dental care, the French Dental Centre has English- and French-speaking staff.

Kyiv drugstores, yoga, dance, and fitness centers, unfortunately have little to offer. Someone generally speaks English but usually not enough to give competent advice. At sports studios, the groups are mixed, and classes are mainly held in Ukrainian or Russian with rare comments in English.

American Medical Centre (1 Berdychivska, 490-7600,

Borys (55A Chervonoarmiyska, 238-0000)

French Dental Centre (4 Lepse, 457-8570)

Get together!

It is nearly impossible to live in the expat community without any communication with other expats. The easiest way to get in touch with others is to organize a meeting through the ex-pat site on the Internet, On the site, you can not only blog and chat but also exchange experiences of living in Ukraine and receive some practical advice. However, the Internet is not the only way to meet people. In Kyiv there are numerous clubs and community groups aimed at business discussions, charity projects, communication, or artistic realization.

The British Business Club, for example, welcomes both Ukrainian and British individuals whose work is connected to the British environment. The Club hosts frequent seminars, meetings, and social events. Also, non-native speakers can attend language courses there. The British Ukrainian Society works towards linking the two countries through social, economic, trade, cultural, political, and media activities and exchanges. The European Business Association concentrates mainly on investments into Ukraine and brings together representatives from all the European countries.

Those interested in charitable activities are welcome at the Kyiv Lions Club and the International Women’s Club of Kyiv.

If you have artistic aspirations, you can join The Kyiv Players, an international amateur theater group that stages plays in English.

The British Business Club (9 Baseyna, 234-6781)

The British Ukrainian Society (29B Yaroslaviv Val, 581-1687)

The European Business Association (1A Andriyivsky Uzviz, 496-0601)

Kyiv Lions Club (10/18 Mezhyhirska, 463-7429)

International Women’s Club of Kyiv (234-3180, [email protected])

The Kyiv Players ([email protected])

Service in English

Although the service industry in Ukraine is still developing, you can count on some level of consultation at the local stores, hotels, and tour agencies – at least someone will be able to talk to you in English. Big companies dealing with apartment and car rentals generally provide higher quality service, so you can count on a better knowledge of English as well.

One of the most important services is real estate. Ober-Haus, NAI Pickard, and Key Realty real estate agencies are some of the biggest realtors in town and will help you to find a flat or a hotel apartment.

If you are used to travelling by car and you’re interested in renting one, the best choices are Avis, Aro Cars, or Lemon. Last year, Avis was voted the leader in automobile rentals (once again by Post readers) and offers various car models and insurance options. Avis also offers the possibility of a car with a chauffeur.

Those with a love for reading may face some difficulties, since the number of bookstores with English literature and press in Kyiv is limited. One of the only places where you’ll be advised in English and will find the biggest collection of literature is Globe Bookstore in Metrohrad shopping center. The nearby press kiosk offers a wide selection of foreign press.

If you are interested in more than just buying books and would love to enjoy a cup of tea, coffee or something stronger while turning the pages, you can drop by Antresol – a book shop and a coffee house in one. In case you can’t find the desired literature in any store, the library at the British Council or the American Library at Kyiv Mohyla Academy are excellent options.

Ober-Haus (19/21 Horkoho, 287-8770,

NAI Pickard (9 Prorizna, 279-3433)

Key Realty (6 Malopidvalna, 279-0690)

Avis (72B Yamska, 502-2010)

Aro Cars (12 Bastionna, 459-9071)

Lemon (4 Mykhailivskiy prov., office No. 18, 332-9797)

Globe Bookstore Metrohrad, (241-8412)

Antresol (2 Bulvar Shevchenka, 235-8347)

British Council (4/12 Skovorody, 490-5600)

American Library (8/5 Voloska, 417-3113,

Time out for expats

Solving issues like renting a flat or enrolling your kid into a good school is not enough to feel at home. Finding a comfortable place to relax is another side of living abroad. Unfortunately with the damp and snowy weather, it’s impossible to go golfing, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities. Luckily that means we can enjoy cosy cinemas and warm pubs. Movie fans can always find films in English at Zhovten and Kyiv cinemas. Whereas the lovers of a friendly chat over a glass of beer can stop by O’Briens, Golden Gate, or The Drum bars, the usual hang-out places for local ex-pats.

Zhovten (26 Kostiantynivska, 205-5951)

Kyiv (19 Chervonoarmiyska, 234-7381)

O’Briens Irish Pub (17A Mykhailivska, 279-1584)

Golden Gate (Zolotovoritska 15, 235-5188)

The Drum (4A Prorizna, 279-2355)