While most travel guides focus on sightseeing, history and some tips for getting around, a newly published “Bang Ukraine” guide advises guys how to get in bed with Ukrainian women.
It was released by American author and sex traveler named Roosh Vorek, 33, who writes under the penname “Roosh V.”
The author spent three months in Kharkiv. It’s his 10th travel guide of this sort. Previously he wrote about his sex tourism experience in Poland, Latvia, Iceland, Brazil and other countries. According to Roosh’s website www.bangguides.com, the Ukraine guide is the longest one at 110 pages.
The sex travel guide starts out by saying that Ukraine is the strangest place the author has been to, and that Ukrainian women are the only thing not wrong with the country. Roosh points out their extreme femininity, but says they’re rather cold, “like corpses,” and it takes time to get close to them.
“An American girl on the first date is a Ukrainian girl on the fourth,” the book says.
He also says women do not like drinking much, are not talkative and put a lot of effort into their appearance but not so much into their personalities.
Roosh advises to be careful with women who are 25 or older, because they would put any man in what he calls “a husband category,” and won’t see him as a potential lover. The reason is the pressure that female relatives place on unmarried women about their “failure” for not tying the knot, making them desperate.
“The sweet spot for Ukrainian girls is around 22,” the author claims.
He also emphasizes the importance of making up a cover story for being in Ukraine, since women are suspicious that foreign men are sex tourists. Pretending to be on vacation, he says, will only suffice in Kyiv or Lviv, key tourist destinations. Other Ukrainian cities, which Roosh calls “shitholes,” require more creativity for foreign men to explain their presence. He also advises to be vague about the length of visit.
In the online sample pages of the book, the author doesn’t say how successful his trip to Ukraine was as a sex tourist, listing only two dating stories.
“In terms of women, Roosh describes them pretty accurately,” says a review by the reader under “A Simple Man” nickname at Amazon. “I remember having just got off the plane and getting into the city being struck by how the girls looked and composed themselves. I would say 75 percent of the girls were ‘bangable’ and the top third really could just be picked up and dropped off at a photoshoot.”
Another reader says that sex guide is the best of five Roosh’s guides that he preciously read.
The book is available on Amazon for $13.47.
Kyiv Post staff writer Olga Rudenko can be reached at rudenko@kyivpost.com.