You're reading: Avoid holiday shopping frenzy by ordering online

Ukrainians would not be themselves if they didn’t overstock and stuff themselves with food during winter holidays.

Making sure they don’t run out of supplies, Ukrainians are notorious for rushing to the supermarkets around holiday time, clearing them out of vodka, sausage, tangerines, and sweets.

Check out lines in December and January become a living hell.

So before you are hit by another trolley stocked with mayonnaise, get online and explore Ukraine’s food delivery services.

They may not be as smooth as more experienced delivery companies across the border, but they can nonetheless save you time and hustle.

If you order early enough, they will deliver on the same day for around Hr 30.

But if you don’t speak fluent Ukrainian or Russian, make sure to have a native speaker nearby, since none of the websites have an English version yet.


One of the largest supermarket chains in Ukraine started delivering food seven years ago.Orders are placed via the phone or Furshet’s website, which unfortunately looks like Ukrainian roads on a snow day.

Everything is hurdled together in very small print. Not every product is accompanied by a picture but you shouldn’t have too much trouble with this if you are an experienced shopper and know your brands.

One of Furshet’s upsides is that you can pick up your grocery bags in person instead of receiving it by delivery. The downside is that they do not always answer the phone and can’t always guarantee same-day delivery.

When you see a small service charge on top of a regular delivery cost (Hr 30), you understand that a Western-minded businessman is behind this project.

A small tip of Hr 12 to a person who packs your shopping will most likely ensure you get the freshest milk and softest bread as opposed to running out-of-date products.

The company works with two supermarkets: Magelan at Odeska Ploshcha and Furshet on Inzhenerna St.

Their website has an easy and user-friendly design. Each product listed is accompanied by a picture, which you can twist and turn to read all labels and ingredients.

You may order online or by phone and choose between a self-pickup and the supermarket’s delivery.

If it’s a matter of life and death like an empty coffee jar in the morning, will quench your caffeine thirst for Hr 59 with a two-hour delivery.

Another pleasant surprise: Assistants will call you back when you get your order to make sure you are happy with everything.


More of an “errand boy,” this company is ready to take and deliver any orders 24/7.

However, you’ll have to rely on your memory when placing an order, because there are no products or prices listed online. The service functions through a phone only.

The company delivers from Auchan, Silpo, Velyka Kyshenia, and Metro, among other supermarkets. It takes about two hours to receive your delivery.

Apart from groceries, they deliver McDonald’s burgers, sushi, cocktails, flowers, train tickets and medicine.


Gastronom takes its name from the Russian word for a grocery, widely used in the Soviet days.

Their shopping items and prices are not much different from other online delivery services. Working with many chains, they advertise their produce with nice photos and a user-friendly interface.

If your order is more than Hr 400, you’ll get it delivered for free.

You can also pay using Webmoney in addition to cash and credit card options.

The downside is Gastronom’s working hours: Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Click here to view ‘
Online shopping services, hours open and prices‘.

Kyiv Post staff writer Nataliya Horban can be reached at