You're reading: Dance in ‘The Tunnel’

Contemporary dance group Extreme Dance Life embarks on a journey through a ubiquitous tunnel to see if the light at the end of it is worth anything. In a fantasy-play “The Tunnel,” dancers will go through an imaginary corridor connecting this world with an afterlife.

Why would one want to put themselves through this? For love, of course. Then, a traveler has to go back but it’s a tough decision to make since the grass looks a bit greener on the supernatural side. If this story sounds too philosophical put in words, the language of dance will hopefully untangle the plot.

The program combines classical and modern choreography with elements of acrobatics and Brazilian dance capoeira.

Budynok Oficeriv (Hrushevskoho 30/1), Aug 8 at 8pm. Tickets ranging from Hr 100 to 200 on sale in Kyiv box offices.