You're reading: Entertainment Guide May 24 – June 2

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Celebrity charity market

Kurazh Bazar charity market is about to hold its “kindest” annual event — all the money from ticket sales will be donated to charity. As usual, the two-day market will give a platform for people to sell various goods — but this time, there will be Ukrainian celebrities standing behind the counters offering their stuff. At their last fully-charitable event, Kurazh Bazar raised over Hr 1 million, which they gave to a camp and day care center for children with disabilities. This time, they aim to raise Hr 1.5 million. There will also be music, entertainment for children, food court and drinks – in other words, everything for a perfect weekend outside.

Celebrity charity market. VDNH (1 Akademika Hlushkova Ave.) May 25-26. 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. One-day ticket – Hr 150, two-day ticket – Hr 250

Kyiv Art Fair

Kyiv Art Fair, an event organized by the team of Kyiv Art Week, brings together art fans and art galleries from Ukraine and abroad. The fair will introduce the works of contemporary artists, and aims to promote contemporary art in Ukraine. Thirty-nine galleries from the U.S., France, Austria, Germany, Georgia, Lithuania, Denmark, and Ukraine that will exhibit various artworks.

Kyiv Art Fair. Toronto-Kyiv Complex (100 Velyka Vasylkivska St.) May 24-26. 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Hr 70. Free for children under 12, retirees, war veterans, art students

Molodist Film Festival

The 48th annual Molodist film festival will hit Kyiv on May 25, lasting until June 2. This year, the nine-day Molodist (“youth” in Ukrainian) will feature nearly 200 short and feature films created by Ukrainian, German, Polish, French and other world filmmakers. Founded in 1970, Molodist is one of the oldest Kyiv-based annual film festivals. The festival’s competition program is divided into four categories, including the “Sunny Bunny,” a category featuring LGBTQ films. Molodist will kick off with the screening of a 1959 classic “Some Like It Hot” in the Kyiv Cinema. The festival’s other locations are Butterfly Deluxe cinema and Dovzhenko Center. All the movies will be screened in their original language with English and Ukrainian subtitles. Full schedule at

Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival. Kyiv Cinema (19 Velyka Vasylkivska St.), Butterfly Deluxe (50 Antonovycha St.) May 25 – June 2. 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. Hr 80-125

Vinyl Vibes

The UBK summer club located on the bank of Dnipro River opens the season with a series of vinyl music parties. On May 26, four DJs-collectors will play their rare finds – all sticking to a certain genre. Andrii Sukhariev will offer some rock, Maska will entertain the public with some funk from the 1960-1970s, Seba Korecky will present some disco, while Kostya Denys will play disco, soul and funk tracks, all with groovy bass. Apart from the music mix, the Vinyl Vibes party will offer a picturesque view from Trukhaniv Island, a variety of cocktails on a warm and charming Kyiv night.

Vinyl Vibes. UBK Club. Trukhaniv Island, 300 meters right of the Pedestrian Bridge to the island. May 26. 6 p.m. Free