Editor’s note: To see the full list of events, please check the calendar. To let us know about the upcoming shows, exhibitions, concerts, and parties, please send an e-mail to ls@kyivpost.com.
‘Avengers: Infinity War’
The latest installment of the Avengers superhero franchise, which features an epic war between Marvel heroes and an ultimate villain, Thanos, hits the big screen in Kyiv cinemas in the coming week. Based on the Marvel comics universe, the film was directed by the U.S. filmmakers brother Anthony and Joe Russo. “Avengers: Infinity War” features 19 Hollywood movie stars including Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Evans, and others.
“Avengers: Infinity War.” May 10. Multiplex (SkyMall, 2T Henerala Vatutina Ave.) 7 p.m. Cinema Citi. 7 p.m. May 12. Multiplex (Lavina Mall, 6D Berkovetska St.) 5 p.m. Multiplex (Atmosphere, 103 Stolychne Highway). 6 p.m. Hr 90-145
(Photo by Courtesy)
‘Macbeth: Rory Kinnear’
This performance of the famous tragedy “Macbeth” by English playwright and poet William Shakespeare will be screened live in Kyiv. Staged by British theater and film director Rufus Norris, the play explores the damage from a civil war caused by a lust for power. The tragedy stars English actor Rory Kinnear (Macbeth) and English actress Anne-Marie Duff (Lady Macbeth).
“Macbeth: Rory Kinnear.” British Theater Live, online broadcast. Multiplex (SkyMall, 2T Henerala Vatutina Ave.) May 10. 9 p.m. Hr 190-240
(Photo by Courtesy)
Duo Zikr: Happy Happy Crazy
Ihor Silin and Olha Tkachenko of Duo Zikr will perform with jazz musicians in a jam session format, or an unrehearsed, improvised performance. Musicians and singers create their music on the stage based on their own moods and the emotions they draw from the audience. Although the show will be based on Duo Zikr’s album “The Dancing Time,” the musicians will experiment with the material, and bring a new sound to each composition.
Duo Zikr: Happy Happy Crazy (jam session). Actor’s House. May 11. 7 p.m. Hr 500-2,000. To buy tickets call: +38068 255 3959
(Photo by Duo Zikr/facebook)
Kyiv Klezmer Fest
Klezmer music is traditional Jewish music usually performed at weddings. Contemporary musicians use traditional klezmer motifs as a base and add a modern sound to it. Musicians from Amsterdam Klezmer Band (The Netherlands), David Krakauer (The United States), Malox (Israel), and the Pushkin Klezmer Band (Ukraine) will perform during the two-day festival in Kyiv.
Kyiv Klezmer Fest (instrumental). Kontraktova Square. May 12-13. 4-8 p.m. Free. More information: www.kyivklezmerfest.com
(Photo by davidkrakauer.com)