Drifting between hip hop and traditional music, American guitarist Will Bernard has now fallen in love with jazz.
But it isn’t just any old jazz – the Grammy-nominated artist has pulled together a drummer and an organist to create a funk jazz trio.
His fellow member Wil Blades, an organist, is also worth paying attention to, as some specialized jazz publications refer to him as one of the most promising young organists around.
The band usually roams around New York, playing in the local clubs, but every now and then they go and throw gigs around the world.
So if you are up for an unexpected sort of jazz, with New York flavor and a touch soul of the 60s, all performed with an unusual set of instruments by professionals who get the beats right, this concert is for you.
Monday, April 11, 8 p.m., Budynok Khudozhnyka, 1-5 Artema St., Lvivska Square, (095) 111-5577. Tickets: Hr 80-220.