Nov. 25 1999, 8:00 pm
How to seal windows for Winter
If your apartment is too cold, there are several things you can do to warm it up. You can buy some heaters and risk blowing a fuse, short-circuiting …
Nov. 25 1999, 7:00 pm
Jake Rudnitsky: Antifreeze-November 25, 1999
Vodochka. Light of my fire, fire in my throat. Vo-doch-ka. My sin, my stomach…. To most foreigners, she is simply vodka. Her detractors call her …
Jake Rudnitsky
Nov. 25 1999, 5:00 pm
Best Pizza in Kyiv: Vezuvio
Vezuvio 25 Reitarska. Tel: 228-3028. Open 11:00 a.m. to midnight. Everyone seems to be loyal to a particular pizzeria. ItХs not so much about …
Nov. 25 1999, 5:00 pm
Readers Retort-November 25, 1999
Cold drink debate We asked our readers: Do cold drinks make you sick? We received more than 20 responses. HereХs some excerpts: * * * The average …
Nov. 19 1999, 3:00 pm
Antifreeze: The power of the bureaucrat’s stamp
While Ukraine lags behind the West on just about every front imaginable, the impartial observer must admit that Ukraine beats the rest of the world in …
Jake Rudnitsky
Nov. 18 1999, 6:00 pm
Antifreeze-November 18, 1999
The myth of authenticity generates billions of dollars as tourists scour the earth for remote villages where ТrealУ peasants live or when people pay …
Nov. 18 1999, 5:00 pm
How to find a scholarship abroad
are actually writing a tip of the week specifically for Ukrainians and not ex-pats who are trying to figure out how to get by in this country. ItХs …
Nov. 18 1999, 5:00 pm
Best hold music: Wood and Co.
Wood and Co., 246-4350. When it comes to forcing mindless hold music on hapless callers, Ukraine ranks right up there with the most advanced societies …
Nov. 18 1999, 4:00 pm
He Said She Said-November 18, 1999
Chill! ice doesn’t make you sick. Now, I am all for a degree of cultural assimilation. I try to respect certain cultural norms; I don’t speak loudly …
Nov. 11 1999, 5:00 pm
How to get callback service in Kyiv
telephone connection that allows callers to make international phone calls much cheaper than dialing direct. Basically, you call a computer in the …
Nov. 11 1999, 5:00 pm
Best 8-ball billiards: Kinoteatr Kyiv
Kinoteatr Kyiv pool hall. 19 Chervonoarmiyska. 2nd Fl. You think it’s easy finding a real American pool table in Kyiv? Think again. Sure, lots of …
Nov. 11 1999, 5:00 pm
Readers Retort-November 11, 1999
Jake not a cantankerous dolt As I was reading the latest issue of Kyiv Post this afternoon I thought, why not write a thank-you note to you guys for …
Nov. 4 1999, 7:00 pm
How to get satellite and cable TV
up four to seven local programs but thanks to cable TV, most residents can now see some of the worldХs best programming in their living rooms. In Kyiv …
Nov. 4 1999, 6:00 pm
Antifreeze-November 4, 1999
TodayХs lesson is on freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a funny little thing, because apparently everybody seems to revere it until suddenly it …
Nov. 4 1999, 5:00 pm
Best abuse of democracy: Kuchma campaign posters
It’s on the tip of the tongue of every newcomer who’s entered Kyiv in the last three weeks: Why in Heaven’s name does virtually every store in Kyiv …
Nov. 4 1999, 5:00 pm
Readers Retort-November 4, 1999
Defending the Wall Today I read the small article written by one Ms. Diana Elliott, about The Wall, a small, popular eatery located at Besarabska …
Oct. 28 1999, 7:00 pm
How to get a flu shot
It’s flu season, which means you have a couple of options: You can take your chances and risk being laid up in bed for a few days while a virus slowly …
Oct. 28 1999, 6:00 pm
Antifreeze-October 28, 1999
How many Westerners have come to Ukraine on some altruistic ideological crusade? The IMFers, the USAIDers, the private investors spreading the gospel …
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