One of Ukraine’s prettiest historic cities, Kamianets-Podilsky, opened the tourist season on April 21-22.
This medieval town in Khmelnystka Oblast was founded in the 12th century. It hosts one of Ukraine’s biggest and most stunning fortresses that presides over breathtaking landscapes of natural hills and valleys.
Waiting to be discovered by masses of tourists, the city has a relaxed ambiance and an abundance of sites besides the castle. It is home to more than 100,000 residents and is a favorite festival destination. In medieval times, Kamianets-Podilsky was an important trade and industrial center on par with Kyiv and Lviv.
It briefly served as the capital of the Ukrainian People’s Republic between March 1919 and November 1920.
Dressed up as 17th century cossacks, actors and visitors practice shooting from muskets.

Setting up for love. City authorities are trying to promote Kamianets-Podilsky as a wedding destination.
Resident potter Oleh Khrapnyk gives a master class to a young visitor of the fortress.

A cossack is preparing amunition.
(Photos by Katya Gorchinskaya)