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Auction is a startling Russian rock band. They developed their peculiar style in the 1980s, when Soviet rock blossomed. The eight-member gang manages to reinvent itself despite three decades on stage.

Founder Leonid Fedorov composes music, while Oleg Garkusha, the guy who always wears make-up and demonstrates a strange hairstyle, writes the lyrics. They are one of the most touring Russian bands in Europe.
Friday, Dec. 3, 7 p.m., Culture and Arts Center of National Aviation University, 1 Komarova prospekt. Tickets: Hr 100-350

Armin van Buuren is no ordinary Dutch DJ.

For four consecutive years, he has been voted number one DJ in DJ Magazine’s top 100.

The solo dance music show “Armin Only: Mirage” will last for eight hours non-stop.

The program is based on his new album Mirage which he released in September 2010.

Saturday, Dec. 4, 9 p.m., Mizhnarodny Vystavkovy Center, 15 Brovarsky Prospekt. Tickets: Hr 349-799

Sophi Ellis-Bextor is a 31-year old English singer, composer and model.

After starting off as a lead singer of the indie rock band Theaudience, she went solo in the early 2000s.

Her indie days are over, and she is now into electropop, house and disco.

Performing perfect dance floor fillers, she’s not to be miss in Kyiv.

As for her modeling career, together with Kate Moss she became the face of Rimmel cosmetics in 2008 and recently renewed her contract.

Saturday, Dec. 4, Crystal Hall, 1 Dniprovsky uzviz, 288-5069. Tickets: Hr 400


Dakha-Brakha is a Ukrainian band playing ethnic music.

The name originates from old Ukrainian words for give and take.

Consisting of three girls and one guy, the band uses many international ethnic music instrument: from hutsul drums to Buddhist gongs.

This time they are presenting their new album titled Dakhabrakha Light. You should listen to it if you are interested in what, for instance, ancient Ukrainian hip-hop was like.

Wednesday, Dec. 8, Crystal Hall, 1 Dniprovsky Uzviz, 288-5069, Tickets: Hr 100-200


30 Seconds to Mars is an American alternative rock band.

In 1998, brothers Shannon and Jared Leto started their family band, with other members joining throughout the years.

The band’s name comes from a thesis written by one Harvard professor, which singers found online.

It talked about the exponential growth of human technology and implied we were indeed 30 seconds away from planet Mars.

The band felt it was a perfect way to describe their music.

Sunday, Dec. 12, 7 p.m., Mizhnarodny Vystavkovy Tsentr, 15 Brovarsky prospekt. Tickets: Hr 400-700